WMS integrates with the payment processors to offer a safe and secure payment experience for library users in My Account.
Caution: A one-time implementation fee is required to enable online payments. Your library or institution will also need an active account with Flywire (Comprehensive Receivables Solution only), Paysafe, or WPM Education. Contact OCLC Library Services or your OCLC Library Services Consultant to learn more.
To access this screen, sign into Service Configuration, open the Third-Party Integrations left navigation, and select Payment Platforms.
Note: Either the Payments Admin or Payments Manager role is required for staff to access the Payment Platform page. Refer to Circulation roles for more information.
To configure your online payment experience:
Refer to Access and customize My Account and My Account, Fees for more information.
Find the settings related to Paysafe.
Setting | Option | Descrizione |
Email address to send errors to | N/A | Address of a library staff member or group email address that should receive a notification from WMS if a patron’s payment fails to reconcile with WorldShare Circulation. |
Email address to send outgoing emails from | N/A | Address that users will see as the sender of payment confirmation and error notifications from WMS. Library users may reply to this email address if they have questions about their payment. |
Paysafe environment | Test |
Payments made via My Account will be submitted to Paysafe’s test server. Caution: Do not select the test environment if Paysafe is enabled for all users, especially if your library is already live with WMS. Before selecting the test server, be sure that the Enable for library staff only setting is enabled. Paysafe’s test environment allows your library staff to use test cards to simulate payment scenarios, CVV responses, and AVS responses. Contact OCLC Support if you would like assistance testing against Paysafe’s test server. Refer to Paysafe documentation for additional information. Caution: Do not submit real card information to the test server. |
Live | Payments made via My Account will be submitted to Paysafe’s live server for processing against the card issuer. | |
Paysafe Server-to-Server API key username | All API usernames and passwords are provided by Paysafe and may differ between Paysafe’s test and live servers. Contact Paysafe for more details. | |
Paysafe Server-to-Server API key password | All API usernames and passwords are provided by Paysafe and may differ between Paysafe’s test and live servers. Contact Paysafe for more details. | |
Paysafe Single-Use Token API key username | All API usernames and passwords are provided by Paysafe and may differ between Paysafe’s test and live servers. Contact Paysafe for more details. | |
Paysafe Single-Use Token API key password | All API usernames and passwords are provided by Paysafe and may differ between Paysafe’s test and live servers. Contact Paysafe for more details. | |
Paysafe account number | Your account number with Paysafe. Contact Paysafe for more details. |
Currency supported |
Select your institution's currency. |
3-D Secure Version | None |
Disables 3-D Secure payment authorization.
v1 | Recommended for institutions in North America. When enabled, the user making a payment may be redirected to the card issuer’s website to authorize the transaction. | |
v2 | Recommended for institutions in the European Union. When enabled, the user making a payment may be redirected to the card issuer’s website to authorize the transaction. | |
Address verification level | None |
WMS will attempt to settle a payment even if the AVS response from Paysafe indicates an invalid billing address has been provided.
Partial | The AVS check must confirm that the number in either of the street address fields or the postal code in the billing address matched completely before WMS will attempt to settle the payment. | |
Full | Recommended. The AVS check must confirm that the numbers in the billing street address fields and postal code in the billing address have matched completely before WMS will attempt to settle the payment. | |
Fee payment call-to-action text | Pay Pay Fees Pay Fines Pay Now Pay Online Pay With Paysafe |
Controls the text of the payment buttons in My Account. The button text will translate automatically based on the user’s selected language. |
Find the settings related to WPM.
Note: Include the Accounting Code in the Bill Reasons module of the OCLC Service Configuration. Confirm the information contained in this field matches the code used in WPM. Refer to Bill Reasons for more information.
Find the settings related to Flywire.
Setting | Option | Descrizione |
Environment | Demo |
Payments initiated via My Account will be transferred to Flywire's test/mock server for processing. Flywire's demo environment allows your library staff to simulate payment scenarios, including successful and declined payments. Caution: Do not select the demo environment if Flywire is enabled for all users, especially if your library is already live with WMS. Before selecting the demo environment, be sure that the Enable for library staff only setting is turned on. |
Production |
Payments initiated via My Account will be transferred to Flywire's live system for processing. Select Flywire's production environment when you are ready to process real payments against user accounts. |
Recipient supplied by Flywire | Your recipient ID provided by Flywire. Contact Flywire for more details. | |
Provider supplied by Flywire | Your provider ID provided by Flywire. Contact Flywire for more details. | |
Payment destination supplied by Flywire | Your payment destination provided by Flywire. Contact Flywire for more details. | |
Email address to send outgoing emails from | Address that users will see as the sender of payment reconciliation error notifications sent by WMS. Library users may reply to this email address if they have questions about their payment. | |
Shared secret used to sign Flywire transactions | Your shared secret provided by Flywire. Contact Flywire for more details. | |
Fee payment call-to-action text | Pay Pay Fees Pay Fines Pay Now Pay Online Pay With Flywire |
Controls the text of the payment buttons in My Account. The button text will translate automatically based on the user’s selected language. |
Return to account text | Back to account Return to account |
Controls the text displayed in Flywire's payment confirmation screen for the link that will return the user to WMS My Account. The text will translate automatically based on the user's selected language in My Account. |
Find information about integrating WMS within Flywire.
Caution: Payments will fail to reconcile in WMS if the user attempts to pay a total amount due in WMS that is less than the minimum configured for Flywire. Flywire's payment form will force the user to enter an amount greater than or equal to the Flywire minimum amount; after payment is taken by the processor, WMS will fail to reconcile the overpayment.
Find the settings related to Worldline's Online Payment Platform.
Caution: Do not select Worldline's test environment if Worldline is enabled for all users, especially if your library is already live with WMS. Before selecting the test environment, be sure that the Enable for library staff only setting is turned on.
Setting | Option | Descrizione |
Environment | Test |
Payments made via My Account will be submitted to Worldline’s test server. Caution: Do not select the test environment if Worldline is enabled for all users. Before selecting the test server, be sure that the Enable for library staff only setting is enabled. Worldline’s test environment allows your library staff to use test cards to simulate payment scenarios. Contact OCLC Support for assistance testing against Worldline's test server. Refer to Worldline's documentation for additional information. Caution: Do not submit real card or banking information to the test server. |
Production | Payments made via My Account will be submitted to Worldline’s live server for processing against the card issuer. | |
Email address to send transactions to | N/A | Address of a library staff member or group email address that should receive a notification from WMS if a patron’s payment fails to reconcile with WorldShare Circulation. |
Email address to send outgoing emails from | N/A | Address that users will see as the sender of payment confirmation and error notifications from WMS. Library users may reply to this email address if they have questions about their payment. |
Merchant ID | N/A | Your account number with Worldline Contact Worldline for more details. |
Worldline API key ID | N/A | All API usernames and passwords are provided by Worldline and may differ between Worldline’s test and live servers. Contact Worldline for more details. |
Worldline API key secret | N/A | All API usernames and passwords are provided by Worldline and may differ between Worldline’s test and live servers. Contact Worldline for more details. |
Worldline webhook key ID | N/A | All API usernames and passwords are provided by Worldline and may differ between Worldline’s test and live servers. Contact Worldline for more details. |
Worldline webhook key secret | N/A | All API usernames and passwords are provided by Worldline and may differ between Worldline’s test and live servers. Contact Worldline for more details. |
Fee payment call-to-action text | Pay Pay Fees Pay Fines Pay Now Pay Online Pay With Worldline |
Controls the text of the payment buttons in My Account. The button text will translate automatically based on the user’s selected language. |