Manage catalogue records in OLIB
- Cerca
- Learn about catalogue records and searching in OLIB.
- Title and copy details
- Learn how to enter all the elements of a catalogue record in OLIB.
- Create new title record
- Responsibility names
- Publication details
- Physical details
- Price, language and ISxN
- Nota
- Series details
- Classmarks
- Library defined verbal extension
- Soggetti
- Copy and availability details
- Bulk copy entry
- Alternative titles
- Title cross-references
- Control data
- Part numbers and names
- MARC fields
- Other material types
- Additional details
- Discover additional details that can be added to the catalogue record in OLIB.
- Learn how to adopt Resource Description and Access guidelines in OLIB.
- Maintain the catalogue
- Learn about the ongoing management of the catalogue in OLIB.
- Archive title and copy records
- Audit trail
- Catalogue update alerts
- Categorised classes and subjects display
- Configure the create close copy fields
- De-duplicate authority headings
- Delete copies
- Delete titles data
- Edit and copy records
- Link classes and subjects
- Maintain authority files
- Sort rules
- Workflow management
- Stocktake
- Learn how to manage stocktaking in OLIB.