All files, except the EZproxy program, are created automatically during the installation process. EZproxy uses the following files:
Filename | Purpose |
audit | Directory that contains audit files generated by EZproxy |
ezproxy-linux.bin (Linux) ezproxy-windows.exe (Windows) |
This binary file is the actual EZproxy program. |
config.txt | This user editable text file contains configuration directives, including information on your licensed databases. In EZproxy 5.0 and earlier, this file was named ezproxy.cfg. |
user.txt | This user editable text file contains user authentication information. At its simplest, this file contains usernames and passwords. In EZproxy 5.0 and earlier, this file was named ezproxy.usr. |
ezproxy.log | This text file is a record of proxy server usage in the NCSA web server log file format. If used with standard web log analysis software, this file can provide information on the volume of remote use. |
messages.txt | This text file is a record of certain informational and error conditions that occurred when EZproxy was running. In EZproxy 5.0 and earlier, this file was named ezproxy.msg. |
mimetype | For advanced use only |
ezproxy.hst | This text file contains information on active users and virtual web server proxies. |
ezproxy.ipc, ezproxy.key, ezproxy.rnd, ezproxy.uls | Internal system files |
license.txt | This text file is the EZproxy licensing agreement. |
security | Location of security database |
ssl | Stores SSL certificates managed by EZproxy. Do not edit files in this directory. |
wskey.key | Internal system file |
The following user editable HTML files that are located in docs subdirectory:
Filename | Purpose |
badcas.htm | Displayed when the CAS server has not configured the EZproxy login URLs. If this file exists, you can replace it with a message of your choice. |
cookie.htm | EZproxy uses a domain-based cookie as its ongoing verification that a user has authenticated. If the remote user disallows the cookie, the contents of this file are sent to explain the reason why the cookie is required. |
login.htm | When the built-in user validation feature is used, this web page is sent to the remote user to prompt for authentication. |
loginbu.htm | If the user does not successfully authenticate to the login.htm page, the user is sent this page. |
logout.htm | When the user logs out from EZproxy, this web page is sent to confirm the logout. |
menu.htm | This web page provides a basic menu of databases. In most instances, this file is only used for testing purposes. For production use, you are more likely to create URLs in remote documents that look like which users will then use to connect to remote databases. |
ms.htm | Replaces the default message that says "maximum sessions reached, please try again later". |
shibfailure.htm | When shibboleth authentication isn't properly configured, this message is sent: "Inter-institutional access failure. Please contact your system administrator for assistance". If this file exists, you can replace it with a message of your choice. |
shiblogout.htm | Sent after a successful call to the shibboleth logout end point by EZproxy. |
suspend.htm | Optional file, triggered by UsageLimit. If you are going to enforce limits, you should create a suspend.htm file and provide information to tell users what to do if they have encountered this limit. |
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