Secure URLs begin with https instead of http. For example, a URL that would require an SSL certificate and configuration in EZproxy would look like this:
If you have any resources with URLs beginning with https, you will need to configure EZproxy to run with an SSL Certificate.
This page will guide you through the steps required to create an SSL certificate and activate it for use by EZproxy.
These features of EZproxy use the OpenSSL Toolkit. The EZproxy program files contain the OpenSSL routines required by EZproxy; no separate library files need to be downloaded to provide this functionality.
If you are already using an SSL certificate with EZproxy and need to renew that certificate, refer to SSL Certificate Renewal for more information.
EZproxy allows you to generate self-signed certificates or to request certificates from a certificate authority. You must decide whether you want to use a self-signed certificate or purchase a certificate from a certificate authority.
You must also determine whether to use a wildcard certificate.
For more information on differences in browser behavior, consult SSL Certificate Options.
If you purchase a certificate, make certain that you are backing up your EZproxy installation, and particularly the ssl subdirectory because if you lose these files, you may have to pay to replace the certificate.
Before you begin configuration, you will need to clean up config.txt.
Option IgnoreWildcardCertificate
If you find this directive, it indicates that your EZproxy server may be using a wildcard certificate that was created outside of EZproxy and imported manually. This option can interfere with certificates created within EZproxy. If you find this directive and you are planning to create a certificate from within EZproxy, you should delete this directive.someuser:somepass:adminReplace someuser and somepass with the username and password you will use to log in to EZproxy with administrative access. You will use these login credentials to enable your SSL certificate in EZproxy.
The following instructions explain how to configure EZproxy to enable https support. In all of these examples, in any location where http://ezproxy.yourlib:2048 appears, you should substitute your own EZproxy server name and port.
If you are using proxy by hostname, or if you are using proxy by port and want to use https to encrypt user login processing, edit config.txt and add the line:
LoginPortSSL 443443 is the preferred number as this is the standard port for use with https. If you already have a secure web server running on the same system as EZproxy, it will already be using port 443. In this case, you will need to either set up two separate IP addresses on your server, or you will need to pick an alternate number such as:
LoginPortSSL 2443If you use a firewall, you may also need to configure it to allow access to the port you select. the admin username and password entered in your config.txt. If you use CAS, CGI, or Shibboleth for user authentication, please consult EZproxy Administration for additional steps that are required to access the administration page.
Wildcard Certificates and EZproxy V6.1 and Later
You will also see the following options:
The options you select in these fields will depend upon the requirements of your Certificate Signing Authority (CSA). For details about these fields and other optional fields, refer to your certificate authority's documentation. If your CSA requires you to enter your server's wildcard name in the SAN field, you must be running EZproxy V6.1 or later.
If you are generating a self-signed certificate, you can select any combination of entries for these fields because all self-signed certificates generate browser warnings.
EZproxy will display a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), which is a block of lines that looks like this:
You will need to submit this text to your certificate authority.
While your certificate request is being processed, do not delete the certificate signing request. When you receive your certificate, it must be applied against the original request. This information will be saved on and accessible from the SSL management page.
Visit the web site of your certificate authority and follow their procedure for purchasing a certificate. When purchasing, if you are asked for your web server type, select Apache+ModSSL or just Apache as either is directly compatible with EZproxy.
When you are asked for your certificate signing request, you will need to copy and paste everything from the certificate signing request created in step 7, starting with the BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST line through the and END CERTIFICATE REQUEST line, including all the hyphens. If you have logged out of EZproxy, you can log back in and access your CSR details from SSL management page. From there click on the ID number for the appropriate CSR to view this information.
Depending on the policies of your certificate authority, it may take a few minutes or a few days to receive your certificate. The certificate will look similar to:
In addition to the certificate for your server, the certificate authority may also provide intermediate or chained certificates. At this point, you should only be working with the certificate that has been issued for your server.
Once you receive your certificate, return to the SSL management page and click on your certificate signing request. Paste in all of the lines from BEGIN CERTIFICATE through END CERTIFICATE from the Certificate Signing Authority, including all the hyphens, into the certificate box, and click Save. EZproxy should accept the certificate. If it does not accept the certificate, ensure that you are copying the certificate for your server and not an intermediate certificate, then try pasting and saving again.
Two common mistakes that could prevent you from saving a certificate
You will be unable to save a certificate if you: | Why this is a problem |
A certificate is bound to a key that is created as part of the original CSR and cannot be applied to any other CSR. If you make this mistake, you will need to resubmit the new CSR to your certificate authority and ask them to use it to replace your certificate. |
Again, certificates are bound to their original CSR, so this process will fail. If you have an existing certificate that was not requested using the EZproxy CSR request generator, click Import Existing SSL Certificate on the SSL management page to enter existing certificates. |
Option ForceHTTPSLoginThis directive will redirect any requests for the login page to the secure, https URL for your EZproxy server. For more information about this directive see Option ForceHTTPSLogin.