Prestito interbibliotecario WorldShare

Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for WorldShare Interlibrary Loan or Tipasa and see a description of the available reports.

Using OCLC Usage Statistics

OCLC Usage Statistics for WorldShare Interlibrary Loan or Tipasa contains information about your library's use of these services. This helps you to monitor your OCLC borrowing and lending activity.

WorldShare Interlibrary Loan Reports

WorldShare Interlibrary Loan reports available via the OCLC Usage Statistics interface (see descriptions of each report below) are available free of charge to all institutions that have ILL access, regardless of whether or not they have ordered the reports. 

 Note: The report layout has been changed for ease of use/reading of the screen. It is possible that some columns of some reports will wrap the text. However, when the reports are exported, layout will be corrected.

Rapporto Descrizione
ILL Fee Management (IFM) Reports

Monthly detailed reports itemize library-to-library borrowing debits and library-to-library lending credits listed on your OCLC bill.

There is a Summary view featuring totals by institution with the institution symbols linked. Clicking on the institution symbol shows the transaction details for that particular institution. There is also a Detail report showing all transaction detail for each institution.

Each month where there are transactions in multiple currencies, you will see additional IFM reports in Usage Statistics. You will have separate reports for borrowing and lending in each currency. 


WorldShare ILL Purchase Request

(For WorldShare Interlibrary Loan libraries)

This report shows borrowing requests that your staff converted to Purchase Requests, using the Change Fulfillment Type option.  Purchase requests include the Vendor Name.  

  • The Date Ordered refers to the date when the request was placed in the Purchase request queue.
  • The Date Received refers to the date when the request is updated to Received.

WorldShare ILL Purchase Request

(For Tipasa libraries)

This report shows borrowing requests that your staff converted to Purchase Requests, using the Change Fulfillment Type option.  Purchase requests include the Vendor Name.  The report also includes requests that your staff converted to purchase requests in WorldShare Acquisitions. WorldShare Acquisitions requests do not include a Vendor Name or Vendor Order Number. 

  • The Date Ordered refers to the date when the request was placed in the Purchase request queue and/or sent to WorldShare Acquisitions. 
  • The Date Received refers to the date when the request is updated to Received in Tipasa.
WorldShare ILL Open Access Request This report shows borrowing requests that your staff marked as filled via Open Access or Document Delivery, using the Change Fulfillment Type option. This count also includes requests that were routed to Document Delivery via automation.

Resource Sharing Borrower Reasons for No Report

Resource Sharing Lender Reasons for No Report

Monthly reports for both Borrower and Lender activity help Lenders evaluate their fill rate and borrowers to refine their Custom Holdings Groups. The Reasons for No report shows details for requests that were refused, including ILL Record Number, Title, OCLC Number, the lender's name and OCLC symbol the reported reason for not filling the request, and the date the request was refused and imprint date of the material. Your library can use this data to determine whether the age of the requested material falls into any pattern that may allow for further refinement of deflection rules.

The Resource Sharing Lender Reasons for No Report shows similar information, but does not include the lending institution's position in the lender string.

Refer to the below for more information:

Strategic Union List Report The Strategic Union List Report gives libraries a jump start on entering union list holdings data by providing a list of serial titles requested from their library via interlibrary loan.

Borrower Resource Sharing Stats Report

Lender Resource Sharing Stats Report

These reports provide a detailed look at all the requests that pass through a library's system in a given month, and are organized by transaction. A record appears in this report for any month during which action was taken on the request, so a request may appear in multiple months. Because of the depth of this report, only one month of statistics can be displayed at a time.

Refer to the below for information about using the report to asses automations:

Borrower Activity Overview Report

Lender Activity Overview Report

These reports show the number of requests initiated (Borrower) or received (Lender) by your library in a specified month, the number of requests canceled in that month, and the number of requests reported as filled for that month. For the Borrower Activity Overview Report, unfilled requests may show up in future months as being filled, so they would appear in two months' Activity Overview reports.

Turnaround time in this report represents the cumulative time that a request was passed along through the lender string, so is generally longer than in the Borrower/Lender Transaction-Level Detail Report, which looks at just one institution's contact with a given request. The Lender Turnaround time is shorter than the Borrower time because as a lender, your institution handles the request once and either fills or passes along a request in a relatively short time frame; the report only measures your institution's “touch” on that request.

 Note: Effective January 2021, metrics for average turnaround time for loan filled requests and copy filled requests are available. These metrics give you access to more granular turnaround time data to better analyze your interlibrary loan fulfillment activity.

ILL Requests that were changed to Purchase Requests (or, for Tipasa libraries, to WMS Acquisitions requests) will be counted in the Purchase Requests section of the Borrower Activity Overview Report.  Turnaround time for purchases is the interval between creation of the request and closing it when updated to Received.  

ILL requests that were filled using the Open Access or Document Delivery fulfillment type will be counted in the Open Access Requests section of the report. This count also includes requests that were routed to Document Delivery via automation.

Borrower Transaction-Level Detail Report

Lender Transaction-Level Detail Report

These reports provide details of requests to or from specific institutions within a given month. The Requests to Lender/Borrower total represents each time a request was passed along to an institution. In the Borrower Transaction Level Detail Report, because one request can be handled multiple times, the number of requests is higher than the number represented in the Borrower Activity Overview Report.

In the Group version of the Borrower Transaction Level Detail Report, each institution row only shows unique request counts (even if handled by multiple lenders), so the number of requests is lower than the number represented in the report's Institution version.
eSerials Request by Journal Title Report This report displays the OCLC number, Journal Title, ISSN (where available), and the total number of requests for electronic journals received and filled for each electronic journal requested.
Serials Request Overview Report This report shows your library the total number of requests for serials received, and then breaks this total down into print and electronic journals. It also shows the number of requests deflected, the number of requests filled by journal type, and the percentage of requests received and filled for electronic journals.

WorldShare Interlibrary Loan Report terms


Term Definizione
Requests Initiated Total requests generated by the library from both the Staff interface and Patrons via automation.
Requests from WorldCat ILL Requests that were created from an OCLC WorldCat Record (not created from a blank workform).
Requests Cancelled (Borrower) Requests cancelled by the borrower.
Requests Cancelled (Lender) Requests cancelled before the Lender could say Yes/No
Requests Filled     
Requests where the Lender indicated they could supply by saying Yes.
Requests Filled - Loan     
Requests where the Lender indicated they could supply by saying Yes with the “loan” designation present  in the workform.
Requests Filled - Copy Requests where the Lender indicated they could supply by saying Yes with the “copy” designation present in the workform.
Requests Unfilled When the request was not filled by any Lenders.
Request Initiated Date The date the request was created by the Borrower.
Borrower Filled Date The date the Borrower updated the request to Received.
Borrower Cancelled Date The date the Borrower updated the request to Cancel.
Borrow Unfilled Date The date the last Lender responded No to filling the request and the request went to an Unfilled status.
Electronic Link The presence of the number 1 indicates that the request contained a Knowledgebase link.  
Lender Received Date The date the Lender received the request from the Borrower as Pending.
Lender Filled Date     
The date the Lender updated the request to Shipped.
Borrower Completed Date The date the request is closed.