About OCLC Usage Statistics

Find an overview of the interface and the features available in OCLC Usage Statistics.


OCLC Usage Statistics allows you to access statistical data summarized at the institution level for a variety of products. FirstSearch users can also access COUNTER 5 reports.

Report availability

Reports may be available as early as the third calendar day of the month.

  • WorldShare Interlibrary Loan, WorldCat Navigator, and Digital Collections reports become available by the tenth day of each month for the preceding month.
  • Online Cataloging monthly reports are available within five days of the end of the preceding month.
  • Current month daily reports are available the following day.
  • Once a monthly report is available for a preceding month, daily reports for that month are deleted.
  • Publisher Reports are available weekly and updated each Monday.

 Note: If your library had no transactions (i.e., searches, sessions, ILL requests, etc.) for the reporting period, your library symbol will not appear as there is no data to retrieve. There may have been activity for your group or consortium, however, which is why you may see your ILL group or consortium. If you increase the number of months to retrieve, your tab will reappear.

Report access

Access to certain reports (e.g., IFM reports) is restricted to a specific authorization for security reasons. OCLC recommends signing in with your institution's designated authorization for the report type you wish to view.

For example, if your institution has access to FirstSearch and WorldShare Interlibrary Loan, signing in with your FirstSearch authorization will automatically open the FirstSearch reports screen. Although you will have access to the WorldShare Interlibrary Loan screen, you may not have access to all available reports. In order to view them, you would need to sign out and sign back in using your WorldShare Interlibrary Loan authorization.

Run a report

Sign in to OCLC Usage Statistics

  1. Access OCLC Usage Statistics.
  2. Enter your OCLC Authorization and Password
  3. Click Sign In.

 Note: Only active OCLC authorizations have access to the Usage Statistics. To see activity on expired authorizations, use another active authorization to log on and then select the expired authorization from the navigation screen for the appropriate product and time period.

Select a report

Select an OCLC Usage Statistics report

  1. Click a report tab from the left navigation.
  2. Click the appropriate reporting period to see a list of reports available.
  3. Click a report group name (e.g., Institution: OCL) to expand the accordion and view all available reports in that group.
  4. Select a report to view from the reports listed.


  • FirstSearch COUNTER 5 reports, accessible via the COUNTER report tab, will open in a new tab. See Work with FirstSearch COUNTER 5 reports for more information.
  • After opening a report, click your browser's back button or the report tab to view additional reports or adjust the reporting period.

Report layout

The report layout has been formatted for ease of use/reading of the screen. Some columns of some reports may wrap the text. However, when the reports are exported, the layout will be corrected.

Please see WorldShare Interlibrary Loan Reports for an example.

Navigate reports

  1. Select the appropriate reporting period to see a list of reports available for that time.
  2. Click on the report group name (example: Institution Reports: OCL) or the arrow before the name to expand the list of reports available under that grouping.
  3. Select a report to view from the reports listed.

 Note: Once you have clicked on a report in the www.stats.oclc.org environment, you will need to click the browser's Back button to navigate back to the stats main page, or click the tab to the left to return to the main page for your stats.

For more information, refer to the product glossaries listed at the top of the Help window.

Report layout

The report layout has been changed for ease of use/reading of the screen. It is possible that some columns of some reports will wrap the text. However, when the reports are exported, the layout will be corrected.

Please see WorldShare Interlibrary Loan Reports for an example.

Work with reports

Work with standard reports

Azione Descrizione
Print You can print a report from your browser.
  1. Press <Ctrl><P> (Windows) or Command + P (Mac).
  2. In the Print dialog, select Landscape for the print orientation or layout.
  3. Click Print.
Export An Export button (Screenshot of the Export button in OCLC Usage Statistics) appears at the top right of each report screen once the report is open. Click the Export button to download a Microsoft Excel Workbook (*.xls) to your computer.
Email - An Email button (Screenshot of the Email button in OCLC Usage Statistics) appears at the top right of each report screen once the report is open.
Send a single report
  1. Click the Email button to open the Email screen.
  2. Enter one or more email addresses in the E-mail Address field. Separate each email address with a comma when entering multiple email addresses.
  3. Select a style.
    • Attachment
    • Hyperlink to report
  4. Select a format.
    • HTML
    • Excel
  5. Click Send Now.
  6. Click Done to return to the report.
Schedule a report You can schedule an unlimited amount of reports to be delivered monthly. Each scheduled report will be delivered when the statistics for the previous timeframe become available.
  1. Click the Email button to open the Email screen.
  2. Enter one or more email addresses in the E-mail Address field. Separate each email address with a comma when entering multiple email addresses.
  3. Select the Send Monthly checkbox.
  4. Select a style.
    • Attachment
    • Hyperlink to report
  5. Select a format.
    • HTML
    • Excel
  6. Fare clic su Salva.
  7. Click Done to return to the report.
 Note: Click List All to view all of your scheduled reports.
Edit a scheduled report
  1. Click the Email button to open the Email screen.
  2. Click List All to view all of your scheduled reports.
  3. Locate the report you want to update and click edit.
  4. Update the relevant fields or selections.
  5. Fare clic su Salva.
  6. Click Done to return to the report.
Delete a scheduled report
  1. Click the Email button to open the Email screen.
  2. Click List All to view all of your scheduled reports.
  3. Locate the report you want to update and click edit.
  4. Click Delete to delete all future scheduled runs of the report.
  5. Click Done to return to the report.

Work with FirstSearch COUNTER 5 reports

See Work with FirstSearch COUNTER 5 reports for more information.