OCLC Usage Statistics
Find support materials about account management and the reports available in the OCLC Usage Statistics portal.
- About OCLC Usage Statistics
- Find an overview of the interface and the features available in OCLC Usage Statistics.
- FirstSearch
- Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for FirstSearch and see a description of the available FirstSearch reports.
- WorldCat Discovery
- Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for WorldCat Discovery Services and see a description of the available WorldCat Discovery Services reports.
- WorldCat.org
- Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for WorldCat.org and see a description of the available WorldCat.org reports.
- Prestito interbibliotecario WorldShare
- Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for WorldShare Interlibrary Loan or Tipasa and see a description of the available reports.
- Cataloging
- Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for Cataloging and see a description of the available Cataloging reports.
- Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for COUNTER and see a description of the available COUNTER reports.
- Digital Collections
- Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for ArchiveGrid and Camio and see a description of the available Digital Collections reports.
- Editore
- Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for Publisher Reports and see a description of the available Publisher Reports.
- Link Resolver
- Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for Link Resolver and see a description of the available Link Resolver reports.
- WebDewey
- Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for WebDewey and see a description of the available WebDewey reports.
- Assessment Tools
- Find information about the Assessment Tools in OCLC Usage Statistics.
- Known issues
- This page lists known issues in the OCLC Usage Statistics application. Availability dates are subject to change.