Local and Enhanced Content
To access this screen, sign in Service Configuration, open the WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local left navigation, select Local and Enhanced Content.
Use this screen to display optional content to your end users.
When you are finished, click Save Changes to save and continue, or Cancel to start over.
Syndetic Solutions Enrichment Content (if applicable)
Only applicable to WorldCat Local full subscribers in the U.S.
Use this feature to show or hide evaluative content elements from Syndetic Solutions within WorldCat Local.
Your Syndetic Solutions Client Code is shown.
Local Data Visibility (if applicable)
Use this feature to enable visibility of local bibliographic data, along with WorldCat data on the Detailed Record page of WorldCat Local/Discovery.
To use this feature, you must have loaded and stored your local bibliographic data at OCLC. You should then be able to see the option to enable visibility of this data.
Contact OCLC Support if you wish to enable this feature.
For further information on Local bibliographic data, see Data sync documentation.
Local Holdings Records (if applicable)
Use this section to enable additional settings for your local holdings records (LHRs).
Setting | Descrizione | Who can use this setting? |
Enable searching of Local Holdings Records (LHRs) | Select to allow users to search through your LHR data. | All libraries |
Enable display of LHR Location and Call Number (without availability) |
Select to display location and call number information from your LHRs. LHR location and call number information will be displayed in the Holding Libraries section. |
Only libraries who have not purchased the Availability option. Do not use this setting if you are a WMS library, or a WorldCat Local or WorldCat Discovery library who purchased the Availability option. Enabling this setting could disrupt your existing Availability. See Item Availability from the OPAC for more details on configuration of availability settings. |