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Google Analytics 4

Learn how to integrate Google Analytics 4 into WorldCat Discovery.

To access this screen, sign in Service Configuration, open the Third-Party Integrations left navigation, and select Google Analytics 4.

In order to configure the WorldCat Discovert G4 integration, your library must have a Google Analytics account and G4 property. For more information see the Google Analytics account and Google Analytics 4(G4) property section below.

To configure Google Analytics 4 integration:

  1. In OCLC Service Configuration, go to Third-Party Integrations> Google Analytics (Beta).
  2. Toggle on Enable Google Analytics 4.
    • Enter your library's unique Measurement ID.
    •  Note: Your G4 measurement ID will begin with "G-," different from the Universal Analytics ID which begins with "UA-." Your G4 measurement IS can be found in the G4 property of your analytics account by navigating to Admin > Data Streams.

  3. Once Google Analytics 4 is enabled, enter your measurement ID. Click, Save. Analytics data from your institution's Discovery instance can start flowing to your G4 property.

Google Analytics account and Google Analytics 4(G4) property

A Google Analytics account and Google Analytics 4(G4) property are required to configure a G4 Analytics integration in WorldCat Discovery.

An existing Universal Analytics ID will not function in place of the measurement ID for your G4 property. You can add your new G4 property using an existing Google Analytics account.

To create an account and G4 property, use the following documentation created by Google: Set up Analytics for a website and/or app.

 Note:  When you setup a data stream for your G4 property, you will need to enter your institution's WorldCat Discovery URL.