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Item statistics data

Find instructions, a file template, and a sample record for formatting and sending your item statistical data (item histories) in a tab-delimited file to OCLC.


This document provides instructions to format and deliver your item statistical data (item histories) in a tab-delimited file to OCLC.

 Note: Circulation files are required to be UTF-8 encoded.

File template

File Descrizione
Tab-delimited item statistics template (Microsoft Excel) Contains 12 columns. Save as a tab-delimited text file (an Excel file cannot be used to send data).

  • Required fields have red column headings.

Column rules

  • The text file must contain all 12 tab-delimited columns in the order listed in the table below.
  • La prima riga del file di testo è l'intestazione e deve contenere i nomi delle colonne separati da tabulazioni.
  • I nomi delle intestazioni delle colonne non sono sensibili alle maiuscole e alle minuscole, ma devono essere scritti correttamente.
  • Each line in the tab-delimited file must contain 11 tab characters, which function as column separators.
  • Tutti i valori delle colonne sono stringhe (stringhe di testo, stringhe numeriche, ecc.).
  • If you have no data to put in a column, include the column header, but leave the rest of the column empty (do not delete the column header).

 Note: If columns are deleted, moved, or renamed, the file cannot be used to load data.

Filename rules

  • Filenames can contain letters, numbers, periods, and underscores.
  • Filename cannot contain spaces or special characters (e.g., @, ?, *, #, !, &, %, $, ^).
  • Tab-delimited files must have the .txt file extension.
    Example: OCLCsymbol.itemstats.txt

Send item statistics data

You may send Item Stats data for any or all items in your institution's collection. Send your item statistics data files via SFTP with your OCLC file exchange account.

Elenco Usato per
/xfer/wms/test/in/circdata/items Loading item statistics data to WMS

Item statistics file format

None of the columns are repeatable.

Column number Nome della colonna Richiesto Esempio Descrizione
1 istituzioneId x 127968 The WorldCat Registry ID for the institution that owns the item.
2 itemBarcode x 1000124077 The barcode of the item.
3 loanCount   12 The number of times the item has been loaned out since it has been added to the collection.
4 loanCountYTD   2 The number of times the item has been loaned out this calendar year.
5 lastLoanDate   2016-12-31T17:45:59
  • The date the item was last loaned.
  • All date/timestamps should be in your local time zone.
  • Use this format date and time: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
6 lastBorrowerBarcode   50789 The barcode of the patron who the item was last loaned to.
7 lastBorrowerInstitutionId   127968
  • Not currently used.
  • Any data in this field is currently ignored but, if populated, must be numeric.
8 softLoanCount   20
  • The number of soft loans the item has had.
  • Allows the institution to track in-house use.
9 softLoanCountYTD   1
  • The number of soft loans the items have had this calendar year.
  • Allows the institution to track in-house use.
10 lastSoftLoanDate   2016-12-31T17:45:59
  • Not currently used.
  • Any data in this field is currently ignored but, if populated, must contain a date/time zone in your local time zone.
  • Use this format date and time: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
11 inventoriedCount   5 The number of times the item has been inventoried.
12 lastinventoriedDate   2016-12-31T17:45:59
  • The date the item was last inventoried.
  • All date/timestamps should be in your local time zone.
  • Use this format date and time: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss

Sample record

File Descrizione
Tab-delimited item statistics text file example (Text file) An example of a tab-delimited text file that results from saving the tab-delimited item statistics template as text. It contains sample data.


If you have questions, contact your OCLC Implementation Manager at