How do I keep the place hold button from displaying for items in specific shelving locations?
- Keep the place hold button from displaying for items in specific shelving locations
Applies to
- WorldCat Discovery
Follow the steps below to update the settings for a specific shelving location.
- Go to the OCLC Service Configuration > WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local > Place hold/request buttons.
- Verify that the Place Hold (Level 1 Fulfillment button) is configured to use this option: It depends on item type, status, and location
- Circulation data is defined in "OPAC Statuses, Locations and Circulation Policies" section.
- Corresponds to Level 1 Fulfillment in the OPAC status table. - Go to OCLC Service Configuration > WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local> OPAC Statuses, Locations, and Circulation Policies.
- Scroll down to the OPAC Status Grid.
- Add a new row.
- Put one asterisk (*) in the first column. This will gives you any status.
- Note if you type Any Status, the system will be looking for this specific status, instead or all possibilities. - Put the shelf location between asterisks (*shelf location*) in the second column.
- Leave third column blank.
- Select available or unavailable in the fourth column depending on if you want availability to display for this item.
- Make sure the box is unchecked for Fulfillment for (Level 1) and any other fulfillment options your library does not wish to include.
Additional info
For more information please see Place Hold/Request Buttons.