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WorldCat Discovery release notes, Special October 2021


Release Date: [October 29, 2021]


The following release notes are for a special OCTOBER 29, 2021 release of WorldCat Discovery. This release will fix several recent issues for the modernized WorldCat Discovery user interface including: 

  • Some searches containing a IIIF image now resolve as expected 

  • All “Share” emails will be delivered to recipient’s inbox and should no longer be flagged as spam  

Follow-up actions

In an effort to keep your staff informed of new features and changes, you should review these fixes with your team. 



Bug fixes

Some searches containing a IIIF image now resolve as expected 

We have resolved “There was an error while displaying your record” message when executing a search that included special collection material from CONTENTdm. Previously, if there was a blank IIIF image in any of the top 10 records contained within the search, the search results would show an error. With this release, searches that include malformed CONTENTdm images will now be successful.  

All “Share” emails will be delivered to recipient’s inbox and should no longer be flagged as spam  

We have resolved an issue where some emails were being sent to a user’s spam folder. The email header domain did not match the sender domain. After this release, these emails will now be sent from the domain and should avoid spam rules. 


Important links


Support website(s)

Support information for this product and related products can be found at:


Include Request ID with problem reports

When reporting an issue with WorldCat Discovery, it is extremely helpful to include the Request ID. The Request ID is found at the bottom of the screen on which the issue occurred. Including this information allows us to directly trace what happened on the request we are troubleshooting.

Request ID