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Create a New Institution

Learn how to create a new WorldCat registry institution in OCLC Service Configuration.

Use this screen to create a new institution by entering brief, directory-style information, such as name, address, and home page. To access this screen, sign in Service Configuration, open the WorldCat Registry left navigation and select Create a New Institution

  • Adding an address is optional but encouraged.
  • After completing this screen, continue to add information to other sections of the profile.

To create a new institution

  1. Type information in any or all of the fields provided.
    • Provide as much information as possible, especially an ISIL, to produce more exact search results.
  2. To add an address, select the Include Address? check box. The Address fields will appear.
  3. Click Create. By clicking Create, you agree and consent to the Terms of Service. A message will appear indicating that duplicates are being searched.
  4. The system automatically searches for duplicate institutions. If possible duplicates are found, the Duplicate Institutions screen will appear.
  5. If your institution is listed, click the name. The Profile Summary screen will appear.
  6. If your institution is not listed, click Confirm Create to create the institution. A confirmation message will appear, followed by the Name and Location screen.
    •  Note:  To request authorization, click Authorize me for this record on the Profile Summary screen.

Institution fields

 Note:  Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Field Name Descrizione
* Institution Name

Name describing your institution. Include identifying information, such as consortium or branch name.

  • Examples: Seattle Public Library; BANK OF CHINA, LAW AFFAIRS DEPT
Also Called

Alias name, common name, abbreviation, or English version of a non-English name, if applicable.

  • Example: Detroit Area Library Network Also Called: DALNET
* Institution Type

Select your institution type from the drop-down list.

Home Page URL

Institution or library’s main Web site address.

International Standard Identifier for Libraries (ISIL)

A unique identifier issued by the ISIL Agency to create an identifier to enable unique identification of a library or related institution. An ISIL is made up by two components: a prefix and a library identifier, in that order, separated by a mandatory hyphen. 

Include Address? Select this box to include the address and view the available address fields.

Address fields

If you have selected to Include Address, the following fields are available. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Field Name Descrizione

Options include:

  • Main address
  • Business address
  • Shipping address
Address Name Enter a descriptive name for the address.
Attention Of Specify a contact name for the address.
*Street Address 1 Institution’s address.
Street Address 2 Other address information, such as P.O. Box, Suite, etc.
*City City of institution’s location.
State or Province Select your state or province from the drop-down list, if applicable. Drop-down values are available for the United States, Canada and Australia. ISO standard names, see ISO 3166 Country Codes.
Zip or Postal Code Postal or zip code of institution’s location.
*Country Select your country from the drop-down list. ISO standard names, see ISO 3166 Country Codes.
Latitude Your institution’s latitude. It is a set of data derived from an institution’s business or mailing address.
  • Example: 40.017075,-83.066376
Longitude Your institution’s longitude. It is a set of data derived from an institution’s business or mailing address.
  • Example: 40.017075,-83.066376