Create a New Institution
Use this screen to create a new institution by entering brief, directory-style information, such as name, address, and home page. To access this screen, sign in Service Configuration, open the WorldCat Registry left navigation and select Create a New Institution.
- Adding an address is optional but encouraged.
- After completing this screen, continue to add information to other sections of the profile.
To create a new institution
- Type information in any or all of the fields provided.
- Provide as much information as possible, especially an ISIL, to produce more exact search results.
- To add an address, select the Include Address? check box. The Address fields will appear.
- Click Create. By clicking Create, you agree and consent to the Terms of Service. A message will appear indicating that duplicates are being searched.
- The system automatically searches for duplicate institutions. If possible duplicates are found, the Duplicate Institutions screen will appear.
- If your institution is listed, click the name. The Profile Summary screen will appear.
- If your institution is not listed, click Confirm Create to create the institution. A confirmation message will appear, followed by the Name and Location screen.
- Profile Summary screen. To request authorization, click Authorize me for this record on the
Institution fields
Note: Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Field Name | Descrizione |
* Institution Name |
Name describing your institution. Include identifying information, such as consortium or branch name.
Also Called |
Alias name, common name, abbreviation, or English version of a non-English name, if applicable.
* Institution Type |
Select your institution type from the drop-down list. |
Home Page URL |
Institution or library’s main Web site address.
International Standard Identifier for Libraries (ISIL) |
A unique identifier issued by the ISIL Agency to create an identifier to enable unique identification of a library or related institution. An ISIL is made up by two components: a prefix and a library identifier, in that order, separated by a mandatory hyphen.
Include Address? | Select this box to include the address and view the available address fields. |
Address fields
If you have selected to Include Address, the following fields are available. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Field Name | Descrizione |
*Type |
Options include:
Address Name | Enter a descriptive name for the address. |
Attention Of | Specify a contact name for the address. |
*Street Address 1 | Institution’s address. |
Street Address 2 | Other address information, such as P.O. Box, Suite, etc. |
*City | City of institution’s location. |
State or Province | Select your state or province from the drop-down list, if applicable. Drop-down values are available for the United States, Canada and Australia. ISO standard names, see ISO 3166 Country Codes. |
Zip or Postal Code | Postal or zip code of institution’s location. |
*Country | Select your country from the drop-down list. ISO standard names, see ISO 3166 Country Codes. |
Latitude | Your institution’s latitude. It is a set of data derived from an institution’s business or mailing address.
Longitude | Your institution’s longitude. It is a set of data derived from an institution’s business or mailing address.