Risultati della ricerca
Results hitlist
Once the search results are retrieved, a brief record for each item is displayed. The results display shows brief bibliographic information, the number of holdings and the collection in which the record has been found.
NRE/VDX automatically displays an initial set of 10 hits from each collection searched. Further results can be returned and displayed if required by clicking further page numbers:
Displaying results as they are requested is a more efficient use of network resources than automatically displaying all hits.
Results are displayed in the order they are returned from the collections. When searching multiple collections simultaneously, the hits from the fastest database are displayed first.
You can bring the results from a specific database to the top of the list by clicking the database links – the illustration below shows how to sort the results so those from the University of Toronto appear first in the results list.
Bibliographic and location details
To view the full bibliographic details of an item click the Details link or on the title link from the Results list.
The bibliographic details and holdings will be displayed.
Click the magnifying glass to view the location details for the holding location. The location’s name, addresses, open and closed dates and any suspension dates will display.
Other icons that may display with the holdings location are:
The location is currently suspended as a lender |
The location will be suspended in the near future |
Use the Next and Previous record links to display the bibliographic details of the next or previous item in the hitlist.
To return to the hitlist display click the Results option from the top menu bar.
WorldCat link
A link to OCLC’s WorldCat can be included in the results details when an ISBN is present in the bibliographic record. This is an optional feature in NRE/VDX.
When you click this link, a new window opens, displaying the same title in WorldCat.org.