Report summaries

Average and Maximum Supply Times by Supplier

This counts supply days for the fulfilled requests received by your library from other libraries or suppliers. The performance figures show the average and maximum days for each of your library’s suppliers. This is calculated on the received date minus the entry date of the request.

Average and Maximum Supply Times to Requesters

This report counts the supply days for the requests made to your library by other libraries. It measures the performance of your own library at supplying material. This is calculated on the shipped date of the request minus the request date.

Batch Reruns

This is a menu of reports originally printed from the Work Queue (Pick List, Received List, Returned List) that may be reprinted. For the Pick List, the current Request status is updated to show materials that have already been processed and do not require retrieving for request fulfilment. Batch numbers are unique for each type of report per location. NRE/VDX by default displays the reports printed in the last 7 days. Use the Start Date and End Date fields to see reports older than that.

Copies Requested per title

This report shows the titles of copy requests made by your library. It is alphabetical by title and shows the issue, the request number, the request date, the current responder and the current status of the request.

Copies Supplied per title

This report shows the titles of copy requests filled by your library. It is alphabetical by title and shows the issue, the request number, the requesting library’s name and the date the copy was shipped.

ILL Daily Statistics

NRE/VDX adds up each day’s statistics shortly after midnight for the previous day.

The fields in this report are:


The day being reported

Z3950 Searches

Counts submitted Z39.50 searches. Each search entry submitted counts as one search even though more than one target (data resource) is selected for the overall search. For example, entering a Simple Search for Title “Emma” and searching Library of Congress and WorldCat counts as one search.




Counts requests created by this location. Requests which have not yet been authorized are included in this count.

Shipped Ind.

Counts requests where the lender has notified the borrower that the item has been shipped.


Counts requests that this location processed as Received.




Counts requests sent to this location as a lender.


Counts requests this location processed as Shipped

Not Supplied

Counts requests this location directly processed as Not Supplied. It does not include the requests set to this status automatically because they have reached the expiration date at your location.


Counts requests you have allowed to expire by not processing them within the number of days allowed.

 Note: A request that has gone to multiple locations only counts as 1 request on the requester side, so 1 request on the requester side could map onto 4 responder request records, if the request was now on the fourth location in the rota.

ILLs Not Supplied Received

This report counts how many Requests there are at your location, as a borrower, at the Not Supplied status. The total number of the Not Supplied responses is shown regardless of the Action that caused the Not Supplied status.

ILLs Not Supplied Sent

This report counts how many Requests there are at your location, as a lender, at the Not Supplied status. The total number of the Not Supplied responses is shown regardless of the Action that caused the Not Supplied status.

ILLs Shipped but not Received

This lists brief records of items your location has actioned as “Shipped” without a subsequent action of Received made by the borrowing location.

Incoming Requests by Requester

This shows the number of Requests sent to your library, listed by each Requester. This report lists only requests that are currently at your library or for which your library was the last responder. It can be limited by the date the request was first created by the requester.

Loans requested per title

This report shows the titles of loan requests made by your library. It is alphabetical by title and shows the issue (if any), the request number, the request date, the current responder and the current status of the request.

Loans supplied per title

This report shows the titles of loan requests filled by your library. It is alphabetical by title and shows the issue (if any), the request number, the requesting library’s name and the date the item was shipped.

Monthly ILL Statistics

NRE/VDX adds each day’s statistics automatically just after midnight to the monthly count, therefore, the figures for the current day are not included. The field definitions are the same as for the Daily ILL Statistics report.

Outgoing Requests by Supplier

This shows the number of requests made by your location to each supplier between the specified dates. The dates are the date of the request was first made, not the date the request was sent to that particular supplier.

Requests by Day of Week

This report shows two lists: the number of requests received by your library for each day of the week, and the number of requests made by your library to other locations for each day of the week within the specified period.

To Be Acknowledged requests requiring action – as a Requester

These are requests for which your library is the borrower, and which have had an action taken by the lender. The requests are in a ‘To Be Acknowledged’ status, indicating that an ‘Indication’ action has been received. These are requests which may require your attention.

To Be Acknowledged requests requiring action – as a Responder

These are requests for which your library is the lender, and which have had an action taken by the borrower. The requests are in a ‘To Be Acknowledged’ status, indicating that an ‘Indication’ action has been received. These are requests which may require your attention.