Configure your automations to include RAPID. See Automated Request Manager. Requests from patrons will be routed to RapidILL when they meet the criteria and the automation has been enabled to Send Request to Lenders. Staff can manually route requests in Tipasa from the New For Review, Not Reviewed or Reviewed queues by typing RAPID into the Lender String. Staff may Send to Automation to do a holdings check or automatically produce the request to Rapid.
Note: When you submit your request, the request is validated for the minimum required fields for the service. If validating information is missing, you will receive a message at the top of the borrowing request explaining which request fields need correcting. If using automations, the error will display in the request history.
Required fields:
When RAPID appears in the lender string denoted by an (*) asterisk, it indicates that RAPID is the current lender. If a RAPID lender has fulfilled the request, RAPID will also be marked as the Supplier. The request will display the RapidILL number followed by an ID in the Reference ID field.
While waiting for a RapidILL lender to fill a request:
Once fulfilled, if the request:
To view all of your institution's borrowing requests, search for requests using RAPID in the Lender Symbol. To locate a specific request, search using the Reference ID.
If any lender in the RapidILL borrowing group responds to a request with Not found as cited, the Tipasa request will be updated to Conditional status and appear in the Borrowing > Conditional queue.
In all cases, the original RAPID request number will be canceled. The borrower may take any of the following actions:
Azione | Risultato |
Update the request to correct the citation, and respond Yes to the conditional message. | A new request is submitted to RAPID |
Respond No to the conditional message. | The request is not resubmitted to RAPID, but will route to the next lender; or the request will close as Unfilled if there are no more lenders in the string. |
Cancel request | The patron's request is canceled. |
No response | The request ages away from RAPID to the next lender. The borrower has 4 days to respond to a conditional before the request ages. |
Before requests are submitted to RapidILL lenders, the borrowing institution's holdings are checked within RapidILL. Held items are routed to the ILL Review or Document Delivery queue depending on the Local Holding Options setting in the External System Settings module of the Service Configuration.
Note: If RapidILL is enabled, only RapidILL holdings information will display. Holdings from your OPAC or the Knowledge Base will not appear for these requests.
If a single holding is returned by RapidILL, the Local ID and Local Holdings fields of the request are updated with holdings information supplied by RapidILL. The Local Holdings fields include:
The Local ID field includes the Shelving Location and Call Number. The Local ID field will appear on the request printout for Document Delivery but it is not available on request printouts from the Borrowing queue.
When multiple holdings are returned by RapidILL, the View Local Holdings link appears. The View Local Holdings screen shows each instance of holdings for the requested item.
Select which holding to use and click the Apply button. The information for the selected holdings will appear in the Local Holdings fields of the request.
If no local holdings are found for the item within RapidILL, the request will move through the automation process. If you have configured your automations to include RAPID, the request will be produced to RapidILL as a lending request.
Note: RapidILL will only return items that are held and available when reporting holdings. If the item is held but unavailable, the request is produced to RapidILL as a lending request.
If RapidILL holdings are added to a request, but the holding is incorrect or the item is unavailable, the request can be submitted to RAPID as a lending request. As long as RapidILL holdings are present on the request when you add RAPID to the lender string, the request will be submitted to RapidILL as a lending request, overriding the holdings check. If the request is in Document Delivery, first change the fulfillment type to ILL Request in order to send to RAPID.
If RAPID is the only symbol in the lender string and none of the RapidILL lenders could fill the request, the request will close as Unfilled. The request will move to the Borrowing > Unfulfilled queue.
If there are other OCLC lenders in the lender string, the request will route to those lenders. The fulfillment type will change from Provider to OCLC_ILL.
If RapidILL has been set as a Proven Sender, once a RapidILL lender has fulfilled a request, the borrower's request status is updated to In Transit and an Article Exchange link and password are added. The request will update to Received and the Article Exchange link will appear in My Account. Any patron notifications that have been configured will be sent to the patron.
If you are not using the proven sender feature, you will need to update the request to Received.
If a RapidILL response arrives without the requested item attached, the borrower must request a resend or choose to move on to another RapidILL lender through the RapidILL interface.
If the borrower requests a resend, they can supply notes for the lending library using the Notes field in the RapidILL interface. These notes will display to the lender in the Borrower Notes field in Tipasa.
If the borrower chooses to move the request to the next RapidILL lender instead, they can choose the Move On option in the RapidILL interface. This option will close the request to the original lender and create a new Tipasa
Note: Marking a RapidILL request Not Received is not allowed through Tipasa. If there is an issue with receiving a RapidILL request, the borrower will need to log into the RapidILL interface to request a resend from the lender.
Generally, if attempts to communicate with RapidILL fail, Tipasa will keep retrying. This allows the system to handle the requests even if there is a lack of response. If RapidILL cannot be contacted for several hours, Tipasa will handle requests in the following manner: