OCLC counts standard working days (Monday-Friday) as system days/working days. OCLC does not count Saturdays and Sundays as system days/working days.
See Categories and queues for descriptions and available actions for the queues in Tipasa.
Type of request | Aging days |
Expired |
30 Note: Lending requests will expire after reaching the Need Before date or after 30 working days, whichever event occurs first. |
Any problem status:
180 |
Review |
180 Note: Requests in Review will expire after reaching the Need Before date or after 180 working days, whichever event occurs first. |
Unfilled | 30 |
From Returned to Complete? |
30 Note: Lending requests that are marked Returned by the borrower will stay in transit for 30 days. If the lender does not mark the request as Not Returned or Checked-in/Complete, the request moves to the Returned/Complete? queue. |
From Received to Overdue (only applicable to Loans) |
14 days after Due Date Notes:
From In Transit to Received? (Copy) | 7 |
From In Transit to Received? (Loan) | 14 |
From On Order to Received? | 21 |
Conditional |
4 Note: Sending a Conditional response resets the clock and gives the requesting library four days to respond. |
Standard request: update to Yes, No or Conditional |
Number of days specified in Days To Respond Nota: WorldShare Interlibrary Loan will not age a request to the next lender until the current lender’s Days To Respond have passed. If you don't act on a request in that time, the system will automatically send it on to the next library in the string or, if there aren't other libraries, it will become an Unfilled request. |
Requests processed on weekends (non-referral days) | Next working day/system day |
Requests processed on holidays (non-referral days) |
Next working day/system day Note: OCLC does not count the following holidays for aging ILL requests: