Gestione dei patroni

With Tipasa, you can access your library's patron accounts for viewing, editing, and approving.
  • Patron approval
    Learn how to turn on patron approval in Tipasa to provide you with the ability to manually approve newly registered interlibrary loan patrons and verify that the patron is in good standing with your library before processing their interlibrary loan or Document Delivery request.
  • Creare account per i patroni
    Learn how to create a patron account and find information about the basic user data fields.
  • Manage patron accounts
    Learn how to approve and block patrons as well as how to link a patron account to a borrowing request.  Find information about patron ILL statuses and how to turn on patron approval in Tipasa.
  • Search for patrons
    Learn how to search for patrons in Tipasa and find information about the patron search results screen.
  • Tipasa patron data files
    Find information about migrating patron data from your library's existing patron records to Tipasa.