Impostazioni di conservazione di Article Exchange

Use this screen to configure Article Exchange Retention Settings and your Copyright Compliance Declaration in Tipasa.

Impostazioni di conservazione di Article Exchange

Configure patron's access to a copy document through Article Exchange retention settings. 

To reflect your library's policies and the copyright policies within your country, use these settings to customize the number of views allowed and the number of days after the first view that a user can access a document through Article Exchange.


  1. Enter the following settings per your library's policies:
    • Configure the number of views allowed per copy document: Options include selecting any number between 1 and 10 Views or Unlimited Views.
    • Configure the number of days after it is first viewed that your patron can access a copy document: Configure the number of days the patron has access to the document after the item has been delivered to Article Exchange. Even if not accessed by the patron, the time period begins from the date the file is uploaded to Article Exchange. Options include selecting any number between 1 and 60 Days.
    • A copy document will be purged if your patron has not accessed it in: Options include selecting any number between 1 and 30 Days.
  2. Fare clic su Salva.

If you change Article Exchange Retention Settings, please edit Notifications as needed. The data inserts ${MaxDays!} days and ${MaxViews!}, can be used in the notification to state the number of days or views as they are configured in the Article Exchange Retention Settings. Refer to Notification data inserts for more information.

Copyright Compliance Declaration

Questa dichiarazione di conformità al diritto d'autore verrà visualizzata dagli utenti quando accederanno alla copia del documento tramite lo Article Exchange. Fornire il testo di una dichiarazione di copyright da mostrare agli utenti quando accedono alla loro copia del documento tramite Article Exchange.

  1. Select On for the Enable copyright compliance display prior to accessing a copy document setting.
  2. In the box provided, enter your copyright compliance declaration text.
    • 5,000 character limit.
  3. Fare clic su Salva.

Una volta attivata, gli utenti della biblioteca saranno indirizzati a una pagina di Article Exchange in cui dovranno dichiarare di aver letto la dichiarazione di conformità al copyright.

Once the user has selected Proceed, the document download will be processed. Refer to Article Exchange workflow, Patron process for more information.