Libraries using Article Galaxy from Reprints Desk can integrate this feature with Tipasa. Using Reprints Desk in Tipasa allows you to:
If you have an existing Reprints Desk account, contact Reprints Desk to sign up to use the new Tipasa and Article Galaxy service. They will supply you with new credentials specifically for use with this service.
Once you have the new account set up with Reprints Desk, follow the instructions below to configure the Reprints Desk option in Tipasa.
Campo | Descrizione |
Account ID | Enter the account ID supplied by Reprints Desk. |
Password | Enter the password for the account. |
Notification Email Address | Enter an email address that is used by Reprints Desk to send transaction status updates to the requesting library. |
Automatically receive purchase request fulfilled with Article Exchange | Select On if you would like all Reprints Desk articles to be automatically received in Tipasa and be forwarded to the patron through Article Exchange and without staff intervention. |
Fare clic su Salva.
If the Reprints Desk Purchase Option has been configured in the OCLC Service Configuration, then the Tipasa ILL request form will include Article Galaxy options in the Purchase tab and Purchase Options section of the requests.
The Article Galaxy price will appear if the requested article is available for purchase from Reprints Desk. The price shown will be the actual price charged by Reprints Desk for this article.
To purchase the document from Reprints Desk:
Note: If the purchase is unsuccessful, the status message will include an error message and the request will not be updated.
The status of the purchase request will appear in the Supplier History section of the request details.
Reprints Desk purchase Orders display the following information:
Once the article is delivered via Article Exchange, the purchase request will move to the Purchasing Requests > Delivered queue. Staff can then preview the article and select Mark as Received. The article is then visible in the patron's My Account.
If you have selected the option to Automatically receive purchase request fulfilled with Article Exchange in the OCLC Service Configuration, the request will automatically be updated to Received, the status updated to Closed, and the patron will be able to view the article in My Account.
The Request History will show when the article was delivered and whether or not it was automatically received.