The Request tab gives bibliographic information, patron information, and request history of the Document Delivery Request.
The Request Details accordion includes important bibliographic information about the request.
Campo | Descrizione |
Fonte | |
Status | |
Fulfillment Type | |
Local ID |
Any local identifier number (for example, a call number or barcode number). This information can be saved and printed with the request. |
Title / Journal | Title of the item [e.g., book or journal (if it is an article request)]. |
Uniform Title | Preferred title. |
Autore | Author of the item. |
Editore | Publisher name, city of publication, and publication date. |
ISBN | International Standard Book Number (ten or thirteen-digit number). |
ISSN | International Standard Serial Number (eight-digit number). |
OCLC | OCLC Number, a unique identifier assigned to WorldCat Records. |
DOI | Digital object identifier. |
PMID | PubMed identifier. |
Dissertation | Title of Dissertation. |
Series | Title of Series. |
Request Tags |
Tags are custom labels that can be applied to active requests. Your library can use tags as a way to group and keep track of requests. Tags are only visible to your library. For more information, please see Tags. |
Type |
Indicates the type of request (Copy or Loan). |
Formato | Format of the item. |
Lingua | Language of the item. |
Edition | Edition of the item. |
Preferred edition | Preferred edition of the item. |
Titolo dell'articolo | Title of the requested article. |
Article Author | Author of the article. |
Volume | Volume of the item. |
Issue/No | Issue of the article. |
Issue Date | Date of the issue. |
Pages | Page numbers of the article or chapter. |
Requested on | |
Need Before |
Date by which you want to receive the item. Note: To assign a period of up to 99 days, type +DD for the system to calculate a date that is 1-99 calendar days from today's date. |
Verification | Source of bibliographic information. |
Campo | Descrizione |
Nome |
The patron's name.
ID | A number used for patron identification |
Status | Patron's status (within the library, company, school, etc.), selected from a list of customized statuses.
For information on how to customize the list, see 11. Field Values. |
Department | The Department associated with the patron. For more information on adding Department, see 11. Field Values. Be consistent in the use of department names. |
Patron contact information | Enter the patron's address, phone number, or fax number. |
Patron's Email address. | |
Pickup Location | The patron's preferred pickup location (Maximum 400 branches). The Pickup Location tag selection box allows you to select from a list of your configured Registry locations or enter other text into the field (e.g., Mail to patron's address). Nota:
Nota |
Any relevant information about the request or the patron. This field cannot be reused. |
Information about the patron can also be added as constant data or edited on the workform directly.
The Request History accordion provides details about the history of the borrowing request.
Campo | Descrizione |
Copied From | If the current request was created from an existing request, a link to the original request ID appears. |
Automation History |
Lists status resulting from Automated Request Manager activity, patron validation, and copyright management. |
Supplier History | Lists the OCLC symbol of each lending library who engaged with the request, including their response and the date of the response. |
ILL Fee Management (IFM) History | Log of all Interlibrary Loan Fee Management related history, if IFM has been used for the request. |
Event History | |
Notification Log | Log of all email and SMS notifications sent related to the request. |
The Staff Notes tab allows you to keep notes that are viewable and searchable only by your library staff. Staff Notes can be added to active and closed requests. The number on the tab indicates how many Staff Notes currently exist for a particular request.
All staff users within an institution can add, edit and delete notes. Any staff member may edit any existing notes. The original author displays in the left column with the most recently-edited-by user name appearing just below the note.
Note: Only staff with the WorldShare ILL Admin role will be able to see the name of the author of the staff notes. Staff with the WorldShare ILL User role will see a date and time stamp for when the note was created/updated along with the name of the library.
The most recently added note will display at the top of the Staff Notes tab. Edited notes display based on the updated date and time.
Add a note
Note: There can be up to 500 notes per request.
Edit a Staff Note
A message appears confirming the note successfully saved.
Delete a Staff Note
Caution: Deleted notes are not retrievable.
A message appears confirming the Staff Note has been deleted.