Before you can begin to use copyright management, you must enable the Copyright features in OCLC Service Configuration.
To turn on copyright management and related features:
Note: When the copyright check is turned off, you will no longer see the queue and no new entries will be added.
There are four Copyright settings that can be enabled:
Setting | Descrizione | |
1 | Select whether you want to manage copyright for requested copies |
This setting turns on copyright management in Tipasa. When turned on, the Copyright Clearance section appears in borrowing requests when Copy is selected as the Type. If this setting is not selected, copyright management is turned off completely and the below settings do not apply. Additionally, the system reverts to the WorldShare Interlibrary Loan copyright options for borrowers in constant data and on request forms. To enable copyright:
2 | View copyright clearing in a separate queue |
This setting turns on the Copyright queue. If enabled, copy requests that have not been marked with copyright clearance will also appear in the Copyright queue. For more information, see Copyright queue. To enable Copyright queue:
3 | Number of years required for copyright |
This setting determines the number of years required for copyright, depending on your library's interpretation of the CONTU guidelines. This number is referred to as your "copyright time frame." The default setting is 5 calendar years. For example, if you have 5 calendar years selected, and you are processing a borrowing request that has an issue date within five years of the current year, you will have to select a copyright clearance. If the issue date is over five years old, you will not have to select a copyright clearance. If the number of years required changed, new requests will be evaluated based on the new setting. Existing requests will maintain the previously selected setting. To change the number of years required for copyright:
4 | Clear patron-initiated requests for copyright automatically if they match titles used less than 5 times |
If enabled, this setting allows automation to clear as Fair Use and to be sent to lenders if the title is matched exactly to a copyright WorldCat record and the use count is less than five. This setting will only work if you have at least one automation configured with Copy selected as the Request Type under Matches. For more information, see Using automation with Tipasa. In order to clear as Fair Use, the following must be true:
If this setting is turned off, but copyright management is turned on:
To enable the clearing of automations: