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Patron records

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For each patron that submits a request into Relais ILL a patron record must exist. Patron records created in several different ways, including patron registration, self registration, patron load, and NCIP.

The patron record typically includes information as to the delivery preferences and addresses to use as well as an email address for any messages.  Statistical categories and the department can also be specified.  

  • NCIP generated patron records
    Find a summary of the information the NCIP Lookup User message uses to create a skeletal patron record in Relais ILL.
  • Patron load
    Learn how to assemble a patron load file and load patron records for customers using the Hosted Service in Relais ILL.
  • Patron merge
    Learn how to use the patron merge utility to avoid requests associated with the original patron record becoming disconnected from requests submitted through the new NCIP generated patron record in Relais ILL.
  • Patron registration
    Patron Registration in Relais ILL allows staff to add and retrieve patron records, view and modify existing patron information, and manually enter requests on behalf of patrons.
  • Patron types
    Learn how to add, delete or modify Patron Types from the Code Tables screen in Relais ILL.