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Find information about DiscoverItem in Relais ILL.
DiscoverItem is a suite of web services
- Search to execute a federated search against a configured set of Z39.50 catalogs & targets and retrieve a set of de-duplicated bibliographic records.
- Record to retrieve a single, de-duplicated (or merged) bibliographic record, which is part of the result set of an active search.
- Search / Facet to retrieve the facets (date, medium, author and subject) associated with the records returned from an active DiscoverItem - Search
Results may be used in conjunction with other Relais web services, for example:
- Requestability to determine whether a title retrieved is requestable from one or more consortium locations or available locally;
- AddRequest to add requests to RelaisD2D
Two potential models for implementation
- user-facing search and display of fulfillment options
- 'offline' search and creation of a list of requestable locations
- DiscoverItem - Record
- Find information about DiscoverItem- Record in Relais ILL.
- DiscoverItem - Search
- Find information about DiscoverItem - Search in Relais ILL.