Message types
Default message
All the available messages use the same default text as shown here, with the exception of the Subject.
The content of each message is configurable.
Subject: see individual messages below for default text
Body of the message
The following request was submitted to your ILL department at TimePosted on DatePosted
Title: Title
Author: Author
Article Title: ArticleTitle
Article Author: ArticleAuthor
Note: Note
If you have any problems or questions about this request please contact your ILL Office.
Note that values that are italicized are tokens that can be used in creating the subject and the body of the message. The corresponding value from the request is used to replace the token when the message is created. If there is no corresponding value in the request then that token does not display in the message. The following tokens are available for use: RequestNumber, Title, Author, ArticleTitle, ArticleAuthor and Note.
Note: Currently the RequestNumber token can only be used in the Subject. It cannot be used in the Body of the email.
Confirmation message
At the time a request is submitted into the Relais database a confirmation message is sent to the patron, (if this option has been enabled)
Default text for subject: Your $LibrarySymbol ILL Request: $RequestNumber
Shipped message
When a library has updated a request as Ship Loan a shipped message is sent to the patron, (if this option has been enabled).
Default text for subject: Your ILL Request: $RequestNumber - Shipped
Returned message
When a library has updated a request as Return Loan a returned message is sent to the patron, (if this option has been enabled).
Default text for subject: Your ILL Request: $RequestNumber - Returned
Configure the confirmation, shipped, and returned messages
If you are interested in making changes to the any of the patron messages please contact your local Relais D2D Administrator and supply the following information.
Confirmation | Shipped | Restituito | ||
Enable the message? (Y/N) | ||||
From | specify what email address to use (Y/N) | |||
Subject | specify what text to use (Y/N) | |||
Body | specify what text to use in the introduction (Y/N) | |||
include Title? (Y/N) | ||||
include Author? (Y/N) | ||||
include Article Title? (Y/N) | ||||
include Article Author? (Y/N) | ||||
include Note? (Y/N) | ||||
specify what text to use at the end of the message body including any contact information, e.g., an email address |