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What happens after scheduling an upgrade for our ILLiad Hosted Server?

Applies to
  • ILLiad
  • Users will receive an email from any of the contacts set up on the scheduler letting them know the date and time the scheduled upgrade will take place. If you do not receive an email within a day, please contact OCLC Support.
  • All scheduled times are in Eastern Time.  The system usually updates within a two-hour time period.  OCLC turns off the Web Services during the upgrade, so no patrons can use the system.  Also, no librarians should use the system during this time because work might be lost during the upgrade.
  • It may be beneficial to post a Web Alert for patrons so they know ahead of time the system will be down during the upgrade process. Please follow the Creating Web Alerts documentation.
  • You do not have to contact OCLC on the day of the upgrade to let them know that everyone is off the system.
  • After the upgrade is complete, the scheduled contacts will be sent an email notifying them that the upgrade is complete.
  • Ensure you are at the latest version for your current version before the upgrade.  For example, the latest version of 9.1 was 9.1.6.  When you do that, then after the upgrade, you can right-click on the ILLiad Client and "Run as Administrator" when opening it, and you will be updated to the latest version.  If you are not at the latest version, you will need to download the latest version at ILLiad Downloads.
  • OCLC will follow up with the library to ensure everything works properly.
Additional information

For further information, consult the Release Notes for updates and changes to ILLiad.

If you have any further questions or issues, please contact OCLC Support.

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