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What are the steps I need to take for ILLiad if I am updating my OpenURL to a new location to test, but then I need to go back to the old URL?

  • You need to test a new OpenURL and then after testing, you are going to go back to the old OpenURL link
Applies to
  • ILLiad, OCLC Service Configuration

Here are the steps you need to take to test the new OpenURL link.    

  1. Go to the OCLC Service Configuration and sign in.
  2. Go to the OpenURL Resolvers and Manage Resolvers.
  3. Add the new OpenURL you want to use and save the change.  Make sure you keep note of the ID.
  4. Next, Go to the IP addresses, Manage IP addresses.  You will need to Add the OpenURLResolverID to the Different IP address ranges you want to test.  Save the changes.
  5. You will then go to the WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local and then to the Place Hold/Request Buttons.
  6. You need to Update the OpenURL Links from the old URL to the new URL.  Save the change.
  7. After 20 minutes you can test your OpenURL link in WorldCat Discovery.  
  8. After Testing, go back to the Place Hold/Request Buttons and change the URL back to the old OpenURL.  Save the change.
  9. 20 minutes later, your links should be working properly with the original OpenURL link.
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