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The verified field is missing in the ILLiad Request workform

  • You are at the Workform where you are trying to submit a request, but the Verified field is missing.
  • When submitting a request in ILLiad, the verified field is missing when I am at the Workform
Applies to
  • ILLiad.

The problem you are having is that you are missing the NVTGC for the patron.  This is how you fix it.

  1. Go to the Detail tab and then click on the View User icon.  It will look like a person.
  2. Look for the location box.  It is probably empty.  Select the drop-down and select the proper location.
  3. Save the change.
  4. Go back to the Workform and the Verified Field should show up.
Additional information

You will need to find out why your patron is missing the NVTGC by looking at your NewUserRegistration, the NewAuthRegistration, and the ChangeUserInformation pages to find out what might be causing the NVTGC from not being submitted.

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