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How to resolve an ILLiad long title error in Outgoing Notifications

  • You are getting error messages only with article with very long titles.  In the Outgoing Notifications it is showing Error Processing.
Applies to
  • ILLiad

When you are having this issue, the problem is that the Subject line only allows 255 characters and you are trying to put the full title in the Subject.  To fix this you need to do the following:

  1. Go to your ILLiad Customization Manager and Edit Notifications.
  2. In the Drop-Down choose the ILL Borrowing Article Delivery or if you are a shared server and one of your sites is ABC, choose ABC Borrowing Article Delivery.
  3.  In the Subject field, remove the <#Transactions.PhotoJournalTitle> or the <#Transactions.Title> from the subject line.
  4. You need to look at any of your other Email Notifications that you use this field in the Subject line and remove it.  An example would be the ILL Loan Pickup.
Additional information

Because you will have the Article Title or the Title in the body of the email, you do not also have to have it in the subject line.  This is a duplication and what is causing your issue on some of your notifications.

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