If we have to have a disaster preparedness plan for ILLiad, what should we consider?
- You need to set up a Disaster Preparedness Plan for ILLiad
Applies to
- ILLiad
Here are things to consider with a Disaster Preparedness Plan for ILLiad:
- If you are could not work on-site, you would need to set up remote access through VPN.
- If you are hosted, we would need to make sure your IP address range for your VPN is in our Firewall. The VPN would include the overall network or your workstation.
- The situation would be similar to the work processes we had for COVID-19, so you could follow the Managing ILLiad Workflow During COVID-19 documentation.
- If you need to update the Lending and Borrowing Due Dates, you can follow the I need to change the Lending and Borrowing Due Dates for ILLiad, how do I do this? article.
- You could also use WorldShare ILL instead of ILLiad if you cannot access your site at all. If you are hosted, please contact OCLC Support for any possible ramifications because ILLiad would still be active and might need to have updates to it so people are not sent Overdue Notices even though you updated it in WorldShare ILL.