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I have an item stuck in the status of "In Electronic Delivery Processing"

  • You have an item with the status of "In Electronic Delivery Processing" and you cannot see them when you process Electronic Delivery
Applies to
  • ILLiad 

Here are the steps you need to take to process these requests so you can see them in Electronic Delivery:

  1. Route the requests that are in the status of "In Electronic Delivery Processing" to "Awaiting Odyssey Processing."
  2. Go to your Borrowing and Electronic Delivery Processing drop-down and "Clear Electronic Delivery."
  3. After you have cleared the Electronic Delivery, go to Electronic Delivery Processing and Process Electronic Delivery Files.

The items should show up now in your Electronic Delivery Window.

Additional information

Someone may have processed electronic delivery.  When they do this, the items move to "In Electronic Delivery Processing."  If they close the ILLiad Client, then they will stay at that status.  If the same person goes back to Electronic Delivery, they will see the items in the Review or Print box to be processed.  Because they are at the status of "In Electronic Delivery Processing," you cannot process them through Odyssey.  You would need to route them to "Awaiting Odyssey Processing."  Then you can process Electronic Delivery, and then they should show up, and you can deliver them to your patrons.

Sometimes, the Process Files button is grayed out when you process files.


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