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I am using ILLiad 9.1 and my patrons are changing to Not Cleared every day and I do not know why

  • You are using ILLiad 9.1 and the patrons are changing to Not cleared every day and when you look at the Cleared field, you see EXP
Applies to
  • ILLiad 9.1.x. or higher

What is happening is that your patrons are automatically changing to Expired.  Here is what you need to look at to fix the issue.

  1. Look at the patron account and look for the Cleared field.  If it is at EXP, that means the account was automatically changed to Expired.
  2. ILLiad 9.1 has a new feature to Automatic Expiration of Users.  If you do not want this to happen, change the key AutoExpireUsers to No.  By default, it is set to No.
  3. The purpose is to force patrons to update their information. and when they save the change, then the patron will no longer be expired.
  4. The Expiration will update base on the UserExpiration key used in the Customization Manager.
  5. The web page will NOT exist by default. The ILLiadFormName 'ExpiredUsers' should be added to the WebValidation table and the ChangeUserInformation.HTML page should be copied and renamed ExpiredUsers.HTML. Do not replace the current ChangeUserInformation.HTML page.
Additional information

Please see Automatic Expiration of Users for all the details.

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