How does Delivery Method Per Item work in ILLiad for Loans?
- You want to know how to set up Delivery Method Per Item in ILLiad
Applies to
- ILLiad
The DeliveryMethodPerItem key, located under System | General in the Customization Manager, controls the ability to ask for Delivery Methods on a per request basis. Here are the steps to do this:
1. You add the DeliveryMethod dropdown box from the NewUserRegistration.html page to the request form, for example, LoanRequest.html
2. According to Atlas, it has to be an option on all the request forms. You cannot submit a request without some kind of value being added to that field. For the Article forms, you can add it as a hidden value so that the field is not null. If the field does not have a value after the key is set to yes it makes all article requests go to the print box.
<input type="hidden" name="DeliveryMethod" value="ArticleRequest">
Adding the above code on the Article forms will resolve that issue
3. The patron can choose which Delivery Method preference they want on the loan forms each time they submit a request.
4. For this to work, DeliveryMethod needs to be present in the Transactions table. In the first installations of ILLiad, it was not present and will need to add it.
DeliveryMethod is a varchar(25)
5. Open a Borrowing request for Awaiting Request Processing.
6. Currently, there is no way to get this data to display in the ILLiad Client, you can only see this information if you add it to your print templates.
7. Here are instructions on how to edit your print templates. Adding merge fields to print templates
8. The customization of the Webforms is the Library's responsibility. If there are any issues, it is a good practice to keep a copy of the form before you make the changes so you can revert to it if needed.