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How do I set up a Microsoft Access Link for the OCLC ILLiad Hosted Site?

  • You want read access to the SQL Server to set up a customized query using Microsoft Access.
Applies to
  • ILLiad

You need to contact OCLC to get the credentials you will need to use Microsoft Access.

  1. Follow the documentation for Setting up the ODBC Data Source Link with these changes:
    1. The server should be the SQL Server URL, e.g.,
    2. The login link ID is what OCLC gave you for the username, e.g., ABCLink.
    3. The default database should be the name of the Database name, e.g., ABCData.
    4. If you encounter errors, be sure to avoid clicking down arrows during configuration (except to change READWRITE to READONLY).
  2. You will need to follow the instructions for Setting up Microsoft Access.
Additional information

Here is the list of ILLiad Database Tables.

If you have any questions about the process, please contact OCLC Support.

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