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How do I get accurate Borrowing Fill Rate Statistics in ILLiad?

  • You want accurate Borrowing Fill rate statistics for each Month
Applies to
  • ILLiad

Because ILLiad is dynamic in its results, it is best to wait at least a month or two after a month to get the results.  Here are the reasons why:

  1. ILLiad takes a snapshot of what the Transaction Statuses are for requests.  It looks at them at the time you run the report.
  2. Because the results are dynamic and transaction statuses might change, if you look at a report one month and then go back to it another month, the results will most likely change.
  3. If you do not wait long enough, the requests might still be in process for the month you are looking at and not completed.
  4. The Fill Rate Statistics looks at the CreationDate of the request, so if the record is submitted at the end of a month, it is best to wait at least a month so it has time to complete the request.
  5. If you decide to wait two months after the Month you are getting the fill rate statistics, then do it consistently.  The numbers will be overall consistent.
  6. Please note that the totals for the months will be more than if you search for a year.  We have this in the ILLiad Fill Rate statistics gives a higher total if you look at each month and total it for the year rather than just looking at the year help document.
Additional information

You could apply this to Lending Fill Rate Statistics and any report as well.

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