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Supporto OCLC

About ILLiad

Find an overview of the pre- and post-installation process as well as links to support documentation for ILLiad.

Support for OCLC ILLiad begins before you install it, and continues for as long as your library and patrons enjoy its benefits. A number of channels are available for learning more, and solving problems should they arise.

Prepare for installation

After you place your order, Atlas Systems will send you a packet of information to assist you in planning. Atlas Systems will also contact you to schedule on-site installation.

After installation

Soon after your OCLC ILLiad software installation, OCLC will contact you to find out how you are progressing and discuss any open issues. OCLC will contact you regularly to ensure you are on track with your implementation and to help solve any problems you may have encountered.

After your implementation of OCLC ILLiad:

  • View the OCLC ILLiad video help files (Windows Media Player, .wmv). Your staff should become familiar with all aspects of the information contained in these videos.
  • Revise the patron Web pages with caution, making certain to use a certified HTML editor.

If you have any questions regarding ILLiad and its operations, please contact OCLC Support.

Patron registration

After you have installed your OCLC ILLiad software, you patrons can begin to register for the service. What form opens for patrons depends on the Authentication Method your institution uses. If you are using ILLiad Authentication, patrons will see the NewUserRegistration.html webpage.

The rest of the Authentication methods will use the NewAuthRegistration.html webpage. If you do not have the NewAuthRegistration.html webpage, ILLiad will go to the ChangeUserInformation.html webpage. The authentication methods are:

  • ILLiad Exclusive Authentication
  •  LDAP Authentication
  • RemoteAuth Authentication
  • PatronAPI Authentication
  • Symphony API Authentication


Atlas Systems provides the documentation for ILLiad.

ILLiad and EZproxy integration

This document provides instructions on how to configure ILLiad to authenticate with EZproxy. If you have questions about the setup, please contact OCLC Support.

Talk to and learn from others

Exchange information with others about the ILLiad experience through the ILL-L listserv. Use the Internet List Subscription Request to subscribe to the ILL-L listserv.

Get training

A number of ILLiad training resources are available from OCLC and its ILLiad partner, Atlas Systems, to match your needs and preferred learning style. If you prefer a traditional learning environment, consider a class.