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Search tips for OCLC Z39.50 Authorities

General and index-specific searching tips for those configuring the library's Z39.50 client for use with the OCLC Authorities LC database.


This document provides information about searching for library staff who help plan the configuration of the library's Z39.50 client. It also helps those who train or supervise staff who will use the OCLC Z39.50 Cataloging service's OCLCAuthoritiesLC database.

For OCLC Z39.50 Authorities, searching methods are determined by the capabilities of the OCLC server and by the implementation of the capabilities in your library's local system client. For example, the server makes several indexes available for searching. The library decides which indexes its client will support and how staff will use them.

The Configuration guide for OCLC Z39.50 Cataloging also contains information about the server's searching capabilities.

For information describing MARC record structure, character sets, and exchange media formatting, see OCLC-MARC Records.

General Search Tips

Databases available

In addition to OCLCAuthoritiesLC, you can use the OCLC Z39.50 Cataloging service to search these OCLC databases:

Database Ulteriori informazioni
OLUCWorldCat Search tips for OCLC Z39.50 Cataloging
CAOONL Canadiana (Autorités de noms Canadiana en français)

The Canadiana Name Authorities in French is used by Library and Archives Canada (LAC) and other Canadian libraries when creating bibliographic descriptions in French.

Depending upon your client, separate sessions may be required for each database.

Indexes available

The indexes provided by the server are listed in the section below about MARC fields and subfields indexed.

Word and phrase indexes

Indexes in OCLC Z39.50 Authorities are word or phrase indexes. The following examples highlight the differences between them. See Index-specific search tips below for more information and examples.

Phrase search

For a phrase search you enter the exact phrase, including data across subfields (such as ‡d Dates or ‡v Form). Omit initial articles. You can use right truncation if you know only a part of the phrase.

  • Catholic Church. If you search for the Catholic church as a corporate name using a phrase search, entering catholic church retrieves records that contain the exact text catholic church (15 characters) in a searchable field/subfield.
  • Emma Fielding Mystery. If you search for the Emma Fielding mystery series as a title using a phrase search, entering emma fielding mystery retrieves records for the exact title emma fielding mystery (21 characters) in a searchable field/subfield.

 Note: The Root/Expanded results structure supported in OCLC Connexion is not available within Z39.50 searching.

Word search

Omit articles and prepositions from word searches.

  • Catholic church. If you search for the Catholic church as a corporate name using a word search, entering catholic church retrieves records that contain both catholic and church somewhere within all the searchable fields/subfields.
  • Emma. If you search for the Emma Fielding mystery series as a title using a word search, entering emma retrieves records that contain the word emma anywhere within the title, including: Emma Fielding mystery, Emma and her friends, and Nelson and Emma trilogy.

Index browsing

The OCLC server supports the Z39.50 Scan Service capability. If your client supports that capability, you can browse indexes to view a list of the words or phrases included. When you want to use a phrase index, OCLC recommends browsing it first to verify the phrase before searching.


Stopwords are words that are not included in word indexes because they occur frequently and do not add to the content of the indexes. There are no stopwords in Z39.50 authority searches.

Punctuation and symbols

Include the following letters, digits, punctuation marks, and symbols in searches:

  • Letters, a-z
  • Digits, 0-9
  • - (hyphen) within words
  • & (ampersand) within words

You do not need to capitalize names or other proper nouns in searches. All letters are treated as lowercase whether you enter them as lowercase or uppercase.

Exclude hyphens when they are preceded and followed by blank spaces. Include them within words, such as high-energy. Search for hyphenated words in various ways. For example: post operative, post-operative, postoperative.

When an ampersand (&) is preceded and followed by blank spaces, exclude it in word indexes but include it in phrase indexes. Include ampersands within words in word or phrase indexes. For example, enter at&t.

Substitute a space for a / (slash). For example, enter men women instead of men/women.

You may search with or without diacritics. For example, enter André Gide or Andre Gide.

Exclude other punctuation marks and symbols. Do not substitute a space for them. For example, to search for O'Hara, enter ohara.

Index-specific search tips


When searching for International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSNs), International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs), and Library of Congress Control Numbers (LCCNs), use the following rules:

  • Enter an ISSN with or without a hyphen. For example, to search for ISSN 0833-1871, enter: 0833-1871 or 08331871
  • Enter an ISBN without hyphens. For example, to search for ISBN 0-316-08275-9, enter: 0316082759
  • Enter an LCCN with or without a hyphen. Type the year portion (2 or 4 digits), hyphen (optional), and the control number. Leading zeros in the control number and alphabetic prefix are also optional. For example:
    • to search for the LCCN 78-5201, enter: 78-5201 or 785201 or 78-05201 or 7805201
    • to search for the LCCN 2001-12345, enter: 2001-12345

Use the phrase search only. Word search is not supported for the LCCN.


Enter all digits. Leading zeros are optional. For example, enter 01450635 or 1450635.

Topicals phrase

The complete phrase is indexed. For example, to search for: Adventures and adventurers ‡v Fiction enter:

  • adventures and adventurers fiction
  • adventures and adventurers and set right truncation

Title phrase

The complete phrase is indexed. For example, Complete sonatas for violin and piano is indexed in its entirety. You can enter complete sonatas with right truncation set to retrieve this title and others beginning with complete sonatas.

Omit initial articles (a, an, the, and the non-English equivalents) from your title search.

Personal name phrase

The complete phrase is indexed. For example, for Johannes Brahms enter:

  • brahms, johannes 1833-1897
  • brahms, johannes with right truncation set

MARC fields and subfields indexed


For each index, the table below lists the combinations of Use and Structure attributes used to access the index through the OCLC Z39.50 server. The table also lists the MARC fields and subfields covered by the index. Where "word" is valid as a structure attribute, "word list" is valid as well.

OCLC provides a Test Server to assist users and system vendors with Z39.50 client configuration.

Canadiana indexes and indexed fields

Authority Control Number Global Entity Attributes Global Title
AuthorityID Global Established Heading Linking Entry: Corporate/Conference Name ISSN
Corporate/Conference Name Global Established Heading Linking Entry: Genre/Form Parola chiave
Description Conventions Global Established Heading Linking Entry: Geographic Name Local [9XX]
Entity Attributes Global Established Heading Linking Entry: Medium of Performance Team Nota
Established Heading Linking Entry Phrase: $0 Global Established Heading Linking Entry: Personal Name Personal Names
Established Heading Linking Entry Phrase: Corporate/Conference Name Global Established Heading Linking Entry: Subdivision Linking Entry Relationship
Established Heading Linking Entry Phrase: Geographic Name Global Established Heading Linking Entry: Topical Term See also subfield 0
Established Heading Linking Entry Phrase: Personal Name Global Established Heading Linking Entry: Uniform Title Subject
Established Heading Linking Entry Phrase: Topical Term Global Geographic System Control Number
Established Heading Linking Entry Phrase: Uniform Title Global Local [9XX] Words Titoli
Geographic Names Global Keyword  
Global Corporate Global Notes  
Authority Control Number
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
16/numeric 016 a
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
12/numeric 001  
Corporate/Conference Name
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
2/word, phrase 110, 410, 510 a b c d e g l n
111, 411, 511 a c d e g i j n q
151, 451, 551 a
Description Conventions
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
5067/word 040 e
Entity Attributes
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
6112/word 045 f g k l o p q r s t
075 a b
348 a b
368 a b c d s t
370 a b c e f g s t
371 a b c d e m s t z
372, 373, 374, 375 a s t
376 a b c s t
377 a l
378 q
380, 381, 384 a
382 a b d p v
383 a b c d e
385, 386 a b m n
388 a
Established Heading Linking Entry Phrase: $0
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
7000/phrase 7xx 0
Established Heading Linking Entry Phrase: Corporate/Conference Name
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
710/phrase 710 a b c d e g n
711 a c d e g j n q
Established Heading Linking Entry Phrase: Geographic Name
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
751/phrase 751 a g v x y z
Established Heading Linking Entry Phrase: Personal Name
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
700/phrase 700 a b c d e g j q
Established Heading Linking Entry Phrase: Topical Term
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
750/phrase 750 a b g v x y z
Established Heading Linking Entry Phrase: Uniform Title
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
730/phrase 730 a d f g h k l m n o p r s t
Geographic Names
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
58/word, phrase 151, 451, 551 a g v x y z
181, 481, 581, 781 v x y z
Global Corporate
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
9831/word, phrase 110, 410, 510 a b c d e g l n
111, 411, 511 a c d e g i j n q
151, 451, 551 a
Global Entity Attributes
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
9812/word 046 f g k l q r s t
348 a b
368 a b c
370 a b c e f g s t
371 a b c d e m s t z
372, 373, 374, 375 a s t
376 a b c d s t
377 a l
378 q
380, 381, 384 a
382 a b d p v
383 a b c d e
385, 386 a b m n
388 a
Global Established Heading Linking Entry: Corporate/Conference Name
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
9810/word, phrase 710 a b c d e g n
711 a c d e g j n q
Global Established Heading Linking Entry: Genre/Form
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
9855/word, phrase 755 a v x y z
Global Established Heading Linking Entry: Geographic Name
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
9851/word, phrase 751 a g v x y z
Global Established Heading Linking Entry: Medium of Performance Team
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
783/word, phrase 762 a
Global Established Heading Linking Entry: Personal Name
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
9870/word, phrase 700 a b c d e g j q
Global Established Heading Linking Entry: Subdivision Linking Entry
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
9880/word, phrase 780, 781, 782, 785 v x y z
Global Established Heading Linking Entry: Topical Term
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
9850/word, phrase 750 a b g v x y z
Global Established Heading Linking Entry: Uniform Title
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
9830/word, phrase 730 a d f g h k l m n o p r s t
Global Geographic
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
9834/word, phrase 151, 451, 551 a g v x y z
181, 481, 581, 781 v x y z
Global Local [9XX] Words
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
9899/word 9xx fields All subfields
Global Keyword
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
9116/word All variable fields All subfields
Global Notes
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
9115/word 663 a b t 6 8
664 a b t
665, 666, 667 a
670 a b u
672, 673 a b f
675 a
677 a u
678 a b u
680, 681, 682 a i
688 a
Global Personal Name
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
9800/word, phrase 100, 400, 500 a b c d e g i j q
Global Relationship
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
9813/word 100 e j
110 e
111 j
370, 386 i 4
371 4
400 e i j 4
410 e i 4
411 i j 4
430, 450, 451, 455, 462, 480, 481, 482, 485 i 4
500 e i j 4
510 e i 4
511 i j 4
530, 550, 551, 555, 562, 580, 581, 582, 585 i 4
700 e i j 4
710 e i 4
711 i j 4
730, 747, 748, 750, 751, 755, 762, 780, 781, 782, 785, 788 i 4
Global Subjects
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
9835/word, phrase 150, 450, 550 a b g v x y z
Global Title
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
9833/word, phrase 100, 400, 500 f g h k l m n o p r s t
110, 410, 510 d f g h k l n o p s t
111, 411, 511 d f g h k l n p s t
130, 430, 530 a b f g h k l m n o p r s t
672, 673 a b f
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
8/phrase 022 a y z
Parola chiave
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
6116/word All variable fields All subfields
Local [9XX]
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
999/word 9xx fields All subfields
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
6115/word 663 a b t 6 8
664 a b t
665, 666, 667 a
670 a b u
672, 673 a b f
675 a
677 a u
678 a b u
680, 681, 682 a i
688 a
Personal Names
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
1/word, phrase 100, 400, 500 a b c d e g i j q
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
6113/word 100 e j
110 e
111 j
370, 386 i 4
371 4
400 e i j 4
410 e i 4
411 i j 4
430, 450, 451, 455, 462, 480, 481, 482, 485 i 4
500 e i j 4
510 e i 4
511 i j 4
530, 550, 551, 555, 562, 580, 581, 582, 585 i 4
700 e i j 4
710 e i 4
711 i j 4
730, 747, 748, 750, 751, 755, 762, 780, 781, 782, 785, 788 i 4
See also subfield 0
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
6100/word, phrase 5xx 0
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
21/phrase 150, 450, 550 a b g v x y z
System Control Number
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
350/numeric 035 a z
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
4/word, phrase 100, 400, 500 f g h k l m n o p r s t
110, 410, 510 d f g h k l n o p s t
111, 411, 511 d f g h k l n p s t
130, 430, 530 a d f g h k l m n o p r s t
672, 673 a b f

Library of Congress indexes and indexed fields

Cartographic Data ISBN OCLC ARN
Cataloging Source ISSN Personal Names
Children's Subjects ISSN-L Relationship
Corporate/Conference Names Parola chiave Subdivision Headings
Description Conventions LC Names Titoli
Entity Attributes LCCN Topicals
Genre LCSH  
Geographic Names Nota  
Cartographic Data
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
1024/word 034 d e f g z
Cataloging Source
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
6119/word 040 a c d
Children's Subjects
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
1008/word, phrase 100, 400, 500 a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t v x y z
110, 410, 510 a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t v x y z
111, 411, 511 a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t v x y z
130, 430, 530 a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t v x y z
150, 450, 550 a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t v x y z
151, 451, 551 a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t v x y z
Corporate/Conference Names
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
2/word, phrase 110, 410, 510 a b c d e g l n
111, 411, 511 a c d e g i j n q
151, 451, 551 a
Description Conventions
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
5067/word 040 e
Entity Attributes
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
6112/word 046 f g k l o p q r s t
075 a b
348 a b
368 a b c d s t
370 a b c e f g s t
371 a b c d e m s t z
372, 373, 374, 375 a s t
376 a b c s t
377 a l
378 q
380, 381, 384 a
382 a b d p v
383 a b c d e
385, 386 a b m n
388 a
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
1075/word, phrase 155, 455, 555, 755 a v x y z
Geographic Names
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
58/word, phrase 151, 451, 551 a g v x y z
181, 481, 581, 781 v x y z
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
7/numeric 020 a z
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
8/numeric 022 a y z
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
5558/numeric 022 l m
Parola chiave
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
6116/word All variable fields All subfields
LC Names
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
1002/word, phrase

(includes records with 010 prefix starting with n)
100, 400, 500 a b c d f g h j k l m n o p q r s t
110, 410, 510 a b c d f g h k l m n o p r s t
111, 411, 511 a c d e f g h j k l n q p s t
130, 430, 530 a d f g h k l m n o p r s t
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
9/numeric 010 a z
667 a
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
27/word, phrase

(includes records with 010 prefixes sh and sj as well as x51 headings with the 010 prefix starting with n)
100, 400, 500 a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t v x y z
110, 410, 510 a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t v x y z
111, 411, 511 a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t v x y z
130, 430, 530 a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t v x y z
148, 448, 548 a v x y z
150, 450, 550 a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t v x y z
151, 451, 551 a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t v x y z
155, 455, 555 a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t v x y z
180, 480, 580 a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t v x y z
181, 481, 581 a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t v x y z
182, 482, 582 a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t v x y z
185, 485, 585 a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t v x y z
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
6115/word 663 a b t 6 8
664 a b t
665, 666, 667 a
670 a b u
672, 673 a b f
675 a
677 a u
678 a b u
680, 681, 682 a i
688 a
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
12/numeric 001  
Personal Names
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
1/word, phrase 100, 400, 500 a b c d e g i j q
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
6113/word     100 e j
110 e
111 j
370, 386 i 4
371 4
400 e i j 4
410 e i 4
411 i j 4
430, 450, 451, 455, 462, 480, 481, 482, 485 i 4
500 e i j 4
510 e i 4
511 i j 4
530, 550, 551, 555, 562, 580, 581, 582, 585 i 4
700 e i j 4
710 e i 4
711 i j 4
730, 747, 748, 750, 751, 755, 762, 780, 781, 782, 785, 788 i 4
Subdivision Headings
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
47/word, phrase 180, 480, 580, 780 v x y z
181, 481, 581, 781 v x y z
182, 482, 582, 782 v x y z
185, 485, 585, 785 v x y z
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
4/word, phrase 100, 400, 500 f g h k l m n o p r s t
  110, 410, 510 d f g h k l n o p s t
  111, 411, 511 d f g h k l n p s t
  130, 430, 530 a d f g h k l m n o p r s t
  672, 673 a b f
Use/Structure attrib. MARC fields indexed MARC subfields indexed
21/word, phrase 150, 450, 550 a b g v x y z

MARC-8 note

 Note: When the MARC-8 default is retained, UTF-8 Unicode characters that cannot be converted to MARC-8 are displayed as hexadecimal numeric character references

MARC-8 note example - Tamil