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Keyboard shortcuts

Find the keyboard shortcuts that are available in WorldShare Record Manager.

This section describes the keyboard shortcuts that are available in Record Manager.  

 Note: In the Text View editor, actions cannot be repeated successfully without first clicking on the field.

Azione Keyboard shortcut combination Editors
SWIP LHR MARC 21 Constant data (BIB) Constant data (LHR)
Add a field row to the open record CTRL+SHIFT+A X X X X X
Copy a field row, including tag number, indicators, and all text in the data text box CTRL+SHIFT+C X   X    
Move to the next MARC record CTRL+SHIFT+8     X    
Move to the previous MARC record CTRL+SHIFT+7     X    
Move a variable field down CTRL+SHIFT+M X X X X X
Move a variable field up CTRL+SHIFT+U X X X X X
Move a local holdings record to a different WorldCat record CTRL+SHIFT+2   X      
Paste a field row, including tag number, indicators, and all text in the data text box

 Note: If the row you selected contains data, it will be overwritten with content from the copied field.

Remove a controlled heading for a single field CTRL+SHIFT+B X   X    
Send the open record to the export list CTRL+SHIFT+6 X   X    
Send the open record to the label list CTRL+SHIFT+5   X X    
Send the open record to your local system (via TCP/IP) CTRL+SHIFT+4 X   X