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WorldShare Collection Manager release notes, March 2022


Release Dates: March 24-25, 2022


This release of WorldShare Collection Manager provides a new feature that is our first iteration of new search functionality. It also includes the start of an ongoing effort to add OCLC control numbers to additional WorldCat knowledge base titles. Holdings will be set for these titles, and MARC records will be delivered.

These enhancements are the direct result of your feedback.

New features and enhancements

Additional search filter of Not Selected Collections (March 24th, 2022)

In this release, you will be able to scope to Not Selected Collections when searching collections in WorldShare Collection Manager, in addition to the current options of My Selected Collections and All Collections.  This new functionality will help libraries work more efficiently when selecting new collections for their users.

The menu label for Scope will change to Data Type aligning the user experience to WorldShare Record Manager search options.  Scope will now include My Selected Collections, All Collections, Not Selected Collections (when applicable).  

Currently the options for My Selected Collections or All Collections are based on a checkbox.  Due to the addition of an additional search option, these will now be available in a dropdown menu.  It will still default to My Selected Collections.  

Please note the changes in the screenshot below.

View with the new Not Selected Collections Search Scope:

Not Selected Collections.png

Previous View:

Current View.png

Improvement to Matching (March 25th, 2022)

To provide even more value for cataloging members and better discovery for library users, OCLC is kicking off an effort to add OCLC additional control numbers to titles within WorldCat knowledge base collections. As previously announced on the Collection Manager roadmap, this improvement is part of a continuous effort to make items more findable in WorldCat Discovery by setting holdings for these titles or outputting them as MARC records.
Stay tuned for details regarding additional improvements and features that will be released over the following year. In the meantime, we welcome additional feedback and examples that could inform this work. 
If you are not a WMS library but do download MARC records using WorldShare Collection Manager, please note that you may receive additional records as OCLC numbers are assigned to knowledge base titles. 
If needed, request access to WorldShare Collection Manager (included with your OCLC Cataloging and Metadata Subscription). Please contact OCLC Support with any questions.

Support website(s)

Support information for this product and related products can be found at: