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Other common errors

Find common errors in data sync processing, how they can be prevented, and whether they can be addressed by preprocessing routines in bibliographic data sync collections.

The following table describes other errors, how they can be prevented, and whether they can be addressed by preprocessing routines in bibliographic collections. For more information about how OCLC's Duplicate Detection and Resolution (DDR) software deals with bibliographic records, see Cataloging defensively.

 Note: This table provides examples of frequently found errors and is not exhaustive.

Type of common error Description of error Prevention Preprocessing routine available?
Country codes (008/15-17)
  • Country code (008/15-17) contains only blanks.
  • Country codes include uppercase alphabetical characters.
  • Ensure Country code (008/15-17) is not blank.
  • Codes should all be in lowercase.
Language codes (008/35-37) Language codes (008/35-37) have uppercase alphabetical characters.
  • All alphabetical characters should be lowercase.
040 $b OCLC encourages its members to include the language of cataloging (040 $b) in records. If not included, the language of cataloging is English by default. Therefore, the lack of a code in a record with cataloging data in a non-English language misrepresents the cataloging.
  • Include a language code in 040 $b if any cataloging data is in a language other than English.
Most often, no. Preprocessing cannot supply a language code in 040 $b unless it applies to all records.
040 $e Cataloging description MARC code was noted in the 040 $e
  • The rules for descriptive cataloging used to create the records were other than AACR2, AACR1, ALA 1908, ALA 1941, or ALA 1949.
  • Use for "rda" or other cataloging codes.
6xx Subject headings are coded as local with 2nd indicator of 4 or with 2nd indicator of 7, and the source code is noted in $2.
  • 6xx 2nd indicator 4 Source not specified — the formulation of the subject added entry conforms to a controlled list, but the source cannot be specified by one of the thesaurus or subject heading systems covered by the other 2nd indicator values or by a code for a specific subject heading list in $2.
  • 6xx 2nd indicator 7 plus $2 Source is specified in $2 — Subject headings or terms are based on other subject authorities (i.e. on authorities other than those listed here). Identify the source $2.