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WebDewey browse results screen features

Find an overview of the browse results screen in WebDewey.

Display of WebDewey browse search results

Browse result Display
Any browse results screen Shows the index name at the top of the screen.

Left column lists Dewey numbers or terms from the section of the index containing the browsed number or term or the number or term that matches it most closely.  

Right column lists the associated Dewey number or caption.

Each term or number is hyperlinked to a WebDewey record.

Page Up and Page Down buttons appear at the top and bottom of the screen.
Matching term or number The browse display shows the browsed number or term in its numerical or alphabetical place in the index.
No matching term or number The browse term appears with the message No partial match, see nearby terms.

The browse display shows the part of the index that is closest numerically or alphabetically to the number or term you entered.


Other WebDewey screen features

Feature Description/Use
Search/Browse area On Browse Results, the Browse option is selected by default. Entry box shows the term and index browsed. You can:
  • Edit the term and/or select another index; then click Quick Browse.
  • Select Search, select a search index, edit the term shown or enter a new term, and then click Quick Search.
Build area Text box for building a classification number incrementally.
  • Type a base number in the build area box and then add to the number as you read number-building instructions.
  • Keep the number you are building on the screen while viewing relevant schedule and table records, following instructions in add tables, consulting Manual entries, or checking comments.
  • The build area appears by default at the top of results lists, schedule and table records, and comments.
Search History button
(Opens the Search History window)
  • View a list of 30 previous browse and/or search actions, including the terms and indexes.
  • Repeat a previous search or browse
  • Revise a previous search or browse and then reuse it:
  • Click Clear History to delete the list.
  • Click Close to close the window.

Identify record types in results

Record type Descrizione Example
Built number (Built number icon) Indicates a record for a number constructed according to add instructions stated or implied in the schedules or tables. Built numbers are created and verified by the DDC editors. Built number icon 598.16 Flightless birds
Centered entry (C) Represents a subject covered by a span of numbers. A centered entry is used to indicate and relate structurally a span of schedule numbers that together form a single concept. In add tables, a greater-than symbol (>) precedes a centered entry. C 930-990 History of ancient world; of specific continents, countries, localities; of extraterrestrial worlds
Table centered entry Represents a subject covered by a span of numbers. A table centered entry is used to indicate and relate structurally a span of table numbers that together form a single concept. C T2--4-T2--9 The modern world; extraterrestrial worlds
Manual entry (Manual entry icon) Indicates a record for an entry in the DDC Manual. Manual entry icon 361-365 Social problems and services
Number with colon Indicates add table notation. What precedes colon is class number or span where add table is located; what follows colon is notation to be added. 617:028 Intensive care
Number in square brackets [ ] Indicates a number that has been discontinued or relocated, or an unassigned number. Record instructs you not to use this number and provides a cross-reference to the correct class number. [104] Unassigned 511[.22] Intuitionistic mathematics [291] Comparative religion T5--[04] Persons of mixed ancestry with ethnic origins from more than one continent
Number in parentheses ( ) Indicates a class number that is an optional alternative to the number usually assigned to a concept. (921) Philosophers and psychologists
Footnoted caption
(caption preceded by * or † and/or ‡)
Indicates that a record contains a reference to a footnote marked with that symbol. *Administration of general forms of control † Latin dramatic poetry and drama ‡*Visual programming
Caption followed by ellipses Occurs only with some built numbers. Indicates that the caption given is one of a series of Relative Index terms associated with that number. B 809.4 Essayists (literature), . . .
Number followed by ellipses Indicates standard subdivisions and topics that use 0 instead of 1-9 to indicate their position in the hierarchy. 004.0 . . . Standard and special subdivisions