Dewey Linked Data
Explore the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) represented as linked data.
- About Dewey Linked Data
- Discover an overview of Dewey Linked Data.
- Dewey Linked Data API
- Find information about the Dewey Linked Data API.
- Dewey Linked Data interface
- Discover how to interact with the main workspace and update the language of the DDC or user interface in Dewey Linked Data.
- Main classes
- Discover the purpose of DDC main classes, summaries and how to use them in Dewey Linked Data.
- Proprietà
- Find descriptions and information about all properties used in Dewey Linked Data.
- Sign in to Dewey Linked Data
- Discover how to sign in to Dewey Linked Data.
- View DDC number information
- Discover how to view more information about DDC classifications, subject headings and tables in Dewey Linked Data.