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Sign in to OCLC Meridian

Discover how to sign in to OCLC Meridian.

Sign in using WorldShare account

 Note: You will need to have the appropriate roles and permissions assigned to view the OCLC Meridian functionality when signing in with your WorldShare account. For more information, see OCLC Meridian account roles.

The institutional WorldShare sign in screen, with a text box to search for your institutional symbol.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click Sign In > Sign in as an institutional user.
  3. Use the text box to search for your institution by OCLC symbol, institution name or zip code. If you are unsure of your OCLC symbol, you can find it here.
  4. Fare clic su Continua.
  5. Follow the prompts to enter your WorldShare account name and password.