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866 Textual Holdings-Basic Bibliographic Unit (R)

Find the field definition and scope, indicators, subfield codes, and guidelines for applying content designations for field 866.

Indicators and subfield codes

First Indicator

Field encoding level

blank          No information provided

3          Holdings level 3

4          Holdings level 4

5          Holdings level 4 with piece designation

Second Indicator

Type of notation

0          Non-standard

1          ANSI/NISO Z39.71 or ISO 10324

2          ANSI Z39.42

7          Source specified in subfield ‡2

Subfield Codes

‡a        Textual holdings (NR)

‡x        Nonpublic note (R)

‡z        Public note (R)

‡2        Source of notation (NR)

‡8        Field link and sequence number (R)


Field definition and scope

The 866 field contains a textual description of the holdings of a basic bibliographic unit in the collections of the reporting organization. This field is normally not used in holdings for single-part items. It may be used instead of the coded 853 Captions and Pattern and 863 Enumeration and Chronology fields for multipart and serial items when those fields cannot be used adequately to describe the holdings. The 866 field may also be used in addition< to an Enumeration and Chronology field and any related Captions and Pattern field to record and generate an alternative display for all or part of the enumeration and chronology and captions and pattern fields.

A general description of the four types of holdings data fields, their relationship to each other, and the repeatability of each is given in the 853-878 Holdings Data-General Information section.

Guidelines for applying content designations


First Indicator - Field encoding level

The first indicator position contains a value that indicates the level of specificity of the enumeration and chronology in the field. Values 3 and 4 reflect requirements of Levels 3 and 4 of Holdings Statements for Bibliographic Items (ANSI/NISO Z39.71) , formerly Serial Holdings Statement (ANSI Z39.44) and Holdings Statements for Non-Serial Items(ANSI/NISO Z39.57). Value 3 also reflects the requirements of Level 3 of Holdings Statements-Summary Level (ISO 10324). Values 3, 4, and 5 correspond to the level of specificity defined for the enumeration and chronology data at the record level by codes 3, 4, and 5 in Leader/17 (Encoding level).

blank - No information provided

Value blank indicates that encoding level information is not provided.

3 - Holdings level 3

Value 3 indicates that the field contains summary enumeration and chronology (that is only at the first level of enumeration and chronology in a compressed form).

4 - Holdings level 4

Value 4 indicates that the field contains detailed enumeration and chronology (that is, at the first level and all subsequent levels and in either itemized or compressed form or a combination of the two).

5 - Holdings level 4 with piece designation

Value 5 indicates that the field contains detailed enumeration and chronology information and an identifying number for the physical piece in subfield ‡a (Textual holdings).

Second Indicator - Type of notation

The second indicator position contains a value that indicates whether the holdings contained in subfield ‡a is formulated according to standard or non-standard notation.

0 - Non-standard

Value 0 indicates that the holdings are not formulated according to a standard notation.

1 - ANSI/NISO Z39.71 or ISO 10324

Value 1 indicates that the holdings are formulated according to Holdings Statements for Bibliographic Items (which replaces the previous holdings standards, Serial Holdings Statements (Z39.44) and Holdings Statements for Non-Serial Items(Z39.57)) or& Holdings Statements-Summary level (ISO 10324).

2 - ANSI Z39.42

Value 2 indicates that the holdings are formulated according to ANSI Z39.42 (replaced by Z39.44).

7 - Source specified in subfield ‡2

Value 7 indicates that the holdings are formatted according to another standard. Identify the source in subfield ‡2.


‡a - First level of enumeration

Subfield ‡a contains the textual form of the holdings. This form may be used either instead of or in addition to the 853-855 Captions and Pattern and 863-865 Enumeration and Chronology fields.

853   2   0   ‡8 1 ‡a v. ‡b no. ‡u 9 ‡v r ‡i (year) ‡j (month) ‡w m ‡x 01 ‡y om06,07,08

863   3   2   ‡8 1.1 ‡a 1-4 ‡i 1941-1943

863   3   2   ‡8 1.2 ‡a 6-86 ‡i 1945-1987

866   3   1   ‡8 0 ‡a v.1(1941)-v.86(1987) ‡x bound in 2 v. per year ‡z Some issues missing

‡x - Nonpublic note

Subfield ‡x contains a note relating to the field. The note is not written in a form that is adequate for public display. A note adequate for public display is contained in subfield ‡z (Public note).

853   2   3   ‡8 1 ‡a v. ‡i (year)

863   3   2   ‡8 1.1 ‡a 36-40 ‡i 1961-1965

863   3   3   ‡8 1.2 ‡a 41 ‡i 1966 ‡z Offsite storage has no. 1-10 (Jan.-Oct.) only

863   3   2   ‡8 1.3 ‡a 42-48 ‡i 1967-1973

863   3   3   ‡8 1.4 ‡a 49 ‡i 1974 ‡z Offsite storage has no. 1-8 (Jan.-Aug.) only

866   3   1   ‡8 0 ‡a v.36(1961)-v.49(1974) ‡x incomplete vols. unbound ‡z some issues missing

‡z - Public note

Subfield ‡z contains a note relating to the field. The note is written in a form that is adequate for public display. It contains information that cannot be contained in subfield ‡a. For example, it may be used to specifically record missing issues or numbering irregularities. A note not adequate for public display is contained in subfield ‡x (Nonpublic note).

‡2 - Source of notation

Subfield ‡2 contains a MARC code that identifies the source of the notation used to formulate the holdings statement. Use only when the 2nd indicator value is 7.

Currently, only one source of notation code has been approved for use in 866 subfield ‡2 in OCLC local holdings records:

usnp    Indicates that the holdings are formulated according to the United States Newspaper Program (USNP) guidelines as set forth in The Newspaper Cataloging and
             Union Listing Manual

866   3   7   ‡8 0 ‡a <1967:4:15-1979:9:14> ‡2 usnp

‡8 - Field link and sequence number

Subfield ‡8 contains data that identifies linked holdings data fields and may also propose a sequence for the linked fields. Subfield ‡8 is required in 866 fields in OCLC local holdings records.

The structure and syntax for subfield ‡8 in the 866 field is: ‡8<linking number>

Subfield ‡8 in 866 Textual Holdings fields have only the linking portion of the link and sequence number. Depending on the linking number used, they indicate the following:

  • Linking number 0: Holdings are recorded only in 866 Textual Holdings field(s). No 853 Captions and Pattern and 863 Enumeration and Chronology fields occur in the holdings record.
  • Linking number 0: Holdings data are recorded in the linked 853 Captions and Pattern/863 Enumeration and Chronology fields but the display form of the holdings is recorded in a single Textual Holdings field. The 866 Textual Holdings field replaces all of the 853/863 fields for display purposes.
  • Linking number is the same as the linking number in the linked 853 and 863 fields: Textual Holdings replace the display of coded holdings with the same linking number. The content of a single Textual Holdings field will display in place of the Enumeration and Chronology fields linked to a Captions and Pattern field.
  • Unique linking number: Sequences the display of textual holdings data with the enumeration and chronology of the 863 fields.

When multiple 866 Textual Holdings fields are used in a record that has no 853/863 holdings fields, all linking numbers in subfield ‡8 must be "0".

Subfield ‡8 is always the first subfield in the 866 field.