Tabel 1 - Leader; Directory; 00X: Control Fields
Tag | Omschrijving MARC-Tag | Indicatoren | Omschrijving Indicatoren | Subveld/Positie | Omschrijving Subveld/ Positie | S t a n d a r d 1 |
M i n i m a l 2 |
OCLC-specifiek | Opmerkingen |
Leader | 00-04 | Lunghezza del record | SS | SS | systeemgegenereerd | ||||
05 | Record status | SS | SS | Gebruik van d (deleted) bij OCLC onduidelijk. |
systeemgegenereerd | ||||
06 | Type of record | M | M | ||||||
07 | Bibliographic level | M | M | ||||||
08 | Type of control | R | R | Standaard een spatie, behalve als archiefregels gebruikt worden |
09 | Character coding scheme | SS | SS | Standaard te genereren | |||||
10 | Conteggio degli indicatori | SS | SS | Standaardwaarde: 2 | |||||
11 | Subfield code count | SS | SS | Standaardwaarde: 2 | |||||
12-16 | Indirizzo base dei dati | SS | SS | systeemgegenereerd | |||||
17 | Encoding level (ELvl) |
M | M | u - unknown under consideration z - not applicable niet van toepassing E, I, J, K, L, M: eigen waarden van OCLC |
18 | Descripting cataloging form |
M | M | Kwestie: bibliografische interpunctie aan het eind van subvelden: zie notitie 1e. |
19 | Multipart resource record level |
SS | SS | altijd een spatie; under consideration |
gewoonlijk systeemgegenereerd | ||||
20 | Length of the length-of-field portion |
SS | SS | standaardwaarde: 4 | |||||
21 | Length of the startingcharacterposition portion |
SS | SS | standaardwaarde: 5 | |||||
22 | Length of the implementation -defined portion | SS | SS | standaardwaarde: 0 | |||||
23 | Undefined | SS | SS | standaardwaarde: 0 | |||||
Directory | 00-02 | Tag | SS | SS | Bevat gegevens over elke variabele (control- of data)tag. Volledig technisch en geheel systeemgegenereerd. |
03-06 | Field length | SS | SS | ||||||
07-11 | Starting character position | SS | SS | ||||||
001 | Control Number (NR)3 | SS | SS | Het recordnummer toegekend door de instantie die een record creëert, gebruikt of distribueert. Deze instantie wordt geïdentificeerd in tag 003. Een instantie die een record overneemt en in beheer neemt, kan haar eigen recordnummer in tag 001 invoeren en het ontvangen recordnummer naar een andere tag verplaatsen, b.v. tag 035. Zo wordt het PPN in WorldCat opgenomen in tag 029. Gewoonlijk systeemgegenereerd. |
003 | Control Number Identifier (NR) | SS | SS | MARC-code voor de instantie die het recordnummer in tag 001 heeft toegekend. Van toepassing zijn de lijsten in Appendix I: Organization Code Sources |
005 | Date and Time of Latest Transaction (NR) |
SS | SS | yyyymmddhhmmss.f Systeemgegenereerd |
006 | FixedLength Data Elements - Additional Material Characteristics (R)4 |
.5 | . | Geen gebruik van vulteken (|) voor "No attempt to code". Under consideration |
00 | Form of material | M | M | ||||||
006 Books |
01-04 | Illustrations | . | . | |||||
05 | Target audience | . | . | ||||||
06 | Form of item | R | R | ||||||
07-10 | Nature of contents | . | . | ||||||
11 | Government publication | M | M | ||||||
12 | Conference publication | M | M | ||||||
13 | Festschrift | M | M | ||||||
14 | Index | . | . | ||||||
15 | Undefined | ||||||||
16 | Literary form | . | . | ||||||
17 | Biography | . | . | ||||||
006 Computer files | 01-04 | Undefined | |||||||
05 | Target audience | . | . | ||||||
06 | Form of item | R | R | ||||||
07-08 | Undefined | ||||||||
09 | Type of computer file | . | . | ||||||
10 | Undefined | ||||||||
11 | Government publication | M | M | ||||||
12-17 | Undefined | ||||||||
006 Maps | 01-04 | Relief | M | M | |||||
05-06 | Projection | R | R | ||||||
07 | Undefined | ||||||||
08 | Type of cartographic material | M | M | ||||||
09-10 | Undefined | ||||||||
11 | Government publication | M | M | ||||||
12 | Form of item | R | R | ||||||
13 | Undefined | ||||||||
14 | Index | . | . | ||||||
15 | Undefined | ||||||||
16-17 | Special format characteristics | M | M | ||||||
006 Music/Sound recs | 01-02 | Form of composition | . | . | Voor de indeling van tag 006 kent MARC 21 het materiaaltype Music, dat zowel vastgelegd geluid (muzikaal en niet-muzikaal) als gedrukte muziek omvat. OCLC heeft dit gesplitst in Sound records en Scores. Deze indeling is hier gevolgd. |
03 | Format of music | SS | SS | Steeds de waarde n (not applicable), systeemgegenereerd |
04 | Music parts | SS | SS | Steeds de waarde n (not applicable), systeemgegenereerd |
05 | Target audience | . | . | ||||||
06 | Form of item | R | R | ||||||
07-12 | Accompanying matter | . | . | ||||||
13-14 | Literary text for sound recordings | . | . | ||||||
15 | Undefined | ||||||||
16 | Transposition and arrangement | SS | SS | Steeds de waarde n (not applicable), systeemgegenereerd |
17 | Undefined | ||||||||
006 Scores | 01-02 | Form of composition | . | . | Voor de indeling van tag 006 kent MARC 21 het materiaaltype Music, dat zowel vastgelegd geluid (muzikaal en niet-muzikaal) als gedrukte muziek omvat. OCLC heeft dit gesplitst in Sound records en Scores. Deze indeling is hier gevolgd. |
03 | Format of music | ||||||||
04 | Music parts | . | . | ||||||
05 | Target audience | . | . | ||||||
06 | Form of item | R | R | ||||||
07-12 | Accompanying matter | . | . | ||||||
13-14 | Literary text for sound recordings | SS | SS | Steeds de waarde n (not applicable), systeemgegenereerd |
15 | Undefined | ||||||||
16 | Transposition and arrangement | . | . | ||||||
17 | Undefined | ||||||||
006 Continuing resources | 01 | Frequenza | . | . | |||||
02 | Regularity | . | . | ||||||
03 | Undefined | ||||||||
04 | Type of continuing resource | M | M | ||||||
05 | Form of original item | ./R | ./R | Optional for non-microform items. Required if applicable for microform items. |
06 | Form of item | R | R | ||||||
07 | Nature of entire work | . | . | Waarde x toegevoegd. | |||||
08-10 | Nature of contents | . | . | ||||||
11 | Government publication | M | M | ||||||
12 | Conference publication | . | . | ||||||
13-15 | Undefined | ||||||||
16 | Original alphabet or script of title | . | . | ||||||
17 | Entry convention | M | M | ||||||
006 Visual materials | 01-03 | Running time for motion pictures and videorecordings | M | M | Mandatory for motion pictures and videorecordings. Use nnn for other materials in VIS. | ||||
04 | Undefined | ||||||||
05 | Target audience | . | . | ||||||
06-10 | Undefined | ||||||||
11 | Government publication | M | M | ||||||
12 | Form of item | R | R | ||||||
13-15 | Undefined | ||||||||
16 | Type of visual material | M | M | ||||||
17 | Technique | . | . | ||||||
006 Mixed materials | 01-05 | Undefined | |||||||
06 | Form of item | R | R | ||||||
07-17 | Undefined | ||||||||
007 Physical Description Fixed Field (R) | R | . | - Geen gebruik van vulteken (|) voor "No attempt to code". Under consideration. Blank () is valid in several positions, but OCLC does not allow blank subfields. No plans to implement due to limitations in record editor. OCLC rekent tag 007 niet tot de fixed fields, waarschijnlijk omdat de lengte ervan niet constant is. Ook kent OCLC aan tag 007 indicatoren toe, i.t.t. LC, maar ze zijn altijd undefined: ##. De posities zijn omgezet naar subvelden. |
007 Map | R | . | |||||||
00/$a | Category of material | M | M | ||||||
01/$b | Specific material designation | M | M | ||||||
02 | Undefined | ||||||||
03/$d | Color | . | . | ||||||
04/$e | Physical medium | . | . | ||||||
05/$f | Type of reproduction | . | . | ||||||
06/$g | Production/reproduction details | . | . | ||||||
07/$h | Positive/negative aspect | . | . | ||||||
007 Electronic resource | R | . | |||||||
00/$a | Category of material | M | M | ||||||
01/b | Specific material designation | M | M | ||||||
02 | Undefined | ||||||||
03/$d | Color | M | M | ||||||
04/$e | Dimensions | R | R | ||||||
05/$f | Sound | R | R | ||||||
06-08/$g | Image bit depth | . | . | ||||||
09/$h | File formats | . | . | ||||||
10/$i | Quality assurance targets | . | . | ||||||
11/$j | Antecedent/source | . | . | ||||||
12/$k | Level of compression | . | . | ||||||
13/$l | Reformatting quality | . | . | ||||||
007 Globe | R | . | |||||||
00/$a | Category of material | M | M | ||||||
01/$b | Specific material designation | M | M | ||||||
02 | Undefined | ||||||||
03/$d | Color | . | . | ||||||
04/$e | Physical medium | . | . | ||||||
05/$f | Type of reproduction | . | . | ||||||
007 Tactile material | . | . | |||||||
01/$b | Specific material designation | M | M | ||||||
02 | Undefined | ||||||||
03-04/$d | Class of braille writing | . | . | ||||||
05/$e | Level of contraction | . | . | ||||||
06-08/$f | Braille music format | . | . | ||||||
09/$g | Special physical characteristics | . | . | ||||||
007 Projected graphic | R | . | |||||||
00/$a | Category of material | M | M | ||||||
01/$b | Specific material designation | M | M | ||||||
02 | Undefined | ||||||||
03/$d | Color | M | M | ||||||
04/$e | Base of emulsion | R | R | ||||||
05/$f | Sound on medium or separate | R | R | ||||||
06/$g | Medium for sound | R | R | ||||||
07/$h | Medium for sound | M | M | ||||||
08/$i | Secondary support material | . | . | ||||||
007 Microform | R | . | |||||||
00/$a | Category of material | M | M | ||||||
01/$b | Specific material designation | M | M | ||||||
02 | Undefined | ||||||||
03/$d | Positive/negative aspect | M | M | ||||||
04/$e | Dimensions | M | M | ||||||
05/$f | Reduction ratio range | . | . | $f: pos. 05-08 | |||||
06-08/$f | Reduction ratio | . | . | ||||||
09/$g | Color | . | . | ||||||
10/$h | Emulsion on film | . | . | ||||||
11/$i | Generation | R | R | ||||||
12/$j | Base of film | . | . | ||||||
007 Non-projected graphic | R | . | |||||||
00/$a | Category of material | M | M | ||||||
01/$b | Specific material designation | M | M | ||||||
02 | Undefined | ||||||||
03/$d | Color | M | M | ||||||
04/$e | Primary support material | R | R | ||||||
05/$f | Secondary support material | R | . | ||||||
007 Motion picture | R | . | |||||||
00/$a | Category of material | M | M | ||||||
01/$b | Specific material designation | M | M | ||||||
02 | Undefined | ||||||||
03/$d | Color | M | M | ||||||
04/$e | Motion picture presentation format | R | R | ||||||
05/$f | Sound on medium or separate | R | R | ||||||
06/$g | Medium for sound | R | R | ||||||
07/$h | Dimensions | M | M | ||||||
08/$i | Configuration of playback channels | . | . | ||||||
09/$j | Production elements | . | . | ||||||
10/$k | Positive/negative aspect | . | . | ||||||
11/$l | Generation | . | . | ||||||
12/$m | Base of film | . | . | ||||||
13/$n | Refined categories of color | . | . | ||||||
14/$o | Kind of color stock or print | . | . | ||||||
15/$p | Deterioration stage | . | . | ||||||
16/$q | Completeness | . | . | ||||||
17-22/$r | Film inspection date | . | . | ||||||
007 Kit | . | . | |||||||
00/$a | Category of material | M | M | ||||||
01/$b | Specific material designation | M | M | ||||||
007 Notated music | . | . | |||||||
00/$a | Category of material | M | M | ||||||
01/$b | Specific material designation | M | M | ||||||
007 Remote-sensing image | |||||||||
00/$a | Category of material | M | M | ||||||
01/$b | Specific material designation | M | M | ||||||
02 | Undefined | ||||||||
03/$d | Altitude of sensor | . | . | ||||||
04/$e | Attitude of sensor | . | . | ||||||
05/$f | Cloud cover | . | . | ||||||
06/$g | Platform construction type | . | . | ||||||
07/$h | Platform use category | . | . | ||||||
08/$i | Sensor type | . | . | ||||||
09-10/$j | Tipo di dati | . | . | ||||||
007 Sound recording | R | . | |||||||
00/$a | Category of material | M | M | ||||||
01/$b | Specific material designation | M | M | ||||||
02 | Undefined | ||||||||
03/$d | Speed | M | M | ||||||
04/$e | Configuration of playback channels | M | M | ||||||
05/$f | Groove width/groove pitch | . | . | ||||||
06/$g | Dimensions | M | M | ||||||
07/$h | Tape width | R |
R |
08/$i | Tape configuration | R |
R |
09/$j | Kind of disc, cylinder, or tape | . | . | ||||||
10/$k | Kind of material | . | . | ||||||
11/$l | Kind of cutting | . | . | ||||||
12/$m | Special playback characteristics | . | . | ||||||
13/$n | Capture and storage technique | . |
. |
007 Text | . | . | |||||||
00/$a | Category of material | M | M | ||||||
01/$b | Specific material designation | M | M | ||||||
007 Video recording | R | . | |||||||
00/$a | Category of material | M | M | ||||||
01/$b | Specific material designation | M | M | ||||||
02 | Undefined | ||||||||
03/$d | Color | M | M | ||||||
04/$e | Videorecording format | R | R | ||||||
05/$f | Sound on medium or separate | R | R | ||||||
06/$g | Medium for sound | R | R | ||||||
07/$h | Dimensions | M | M | ||||||
08/$i | Configuration of playback channels | . | . | ||||||
007 Unspecified | . | . | |||||||
00 | Category of material | M | M | ||||||
01 | Specific material designation | M | M | ||||||
008 | Fixed-Length Data Elements (NR) | M | M | Geen gebruik van vulteken (|) voor "No attempt to code". Under consideration. |
008 All materials | 00-05 | Date entered on file | SS | SS | yymmdd Systeemgegenereerd ; geldt voor alle formats |
06 | Type of date/Publication status | M | M | ||||||
07-10 | Date 1 | M | M | ||||||
11-14 | Date 2 | M | M | ||||||
15-17 | Place of publication, production, or execution | R | R | Feitelijk landcode uit de MARC Code List for Countries |
35-37 | Lingua | M | M | ||||||
38 | Modified record | R | R | Codes die aangeven of aan het document ontleende gegevens een bewerking hebben ondergaan zoals translitteratie of inkorting. Zie ook notitie 1.a, par. 5.8. |
39 | Cataloging source | M | M | ||||||
008 Books | 18-21 | Illustrations | . | . | |||||
22 | Target audience | . | . | ||||||
23 | Form of item | R | R | ||||||
24-27 | Nature of contents | . | . | ||||||
28 | Government publication | M | M | ||||||
29 | Conference publication | M | M | ||||||
30 | Festschrift | M | M | ||||||
31 | Index | . | . | ||||||
32 | Undefined | . | . | ||||||
33 | Literary form | . | . | ||||||
34 | Biography | . | . | ||||||
008 Computer files | 18-21 | Undefined | |||||||
22 | Target audience | . | . | ||||||
23 | Form of item | R | R | ||||||
24-25 | Undefined | ||||||||
26 | Type of computer file | . | . | ||||||
27 | Undefined | ||||||||
28 | Government publication | M | M | ||||||
29-34 | Undefined | ||||||||
008 Maps | 18-21 | Relief | M | M | |||||
22-23 | Projection | R | R | ||||||
24 | Undefined | ||||||||
25 | Type of cartographic material | M | M | ||||||
26-27 | Undefined | ||||||||
28 | Government publication | M | M | ||||||
29 | Form of item | R | R | ||||||
30 | Undefined | ||||||||
31 | Index | . | . | ||||||
32 | Undefined | ||||||||
33-34 | Special format characteristics | M | M | ||||||
008 Music/Sound recs | 18-19 | Form of composition | . | . | Voor de indeling van tag 008 kent MARC 21 het materiaaltype Music, dat zowel vastgelegd geluid (muzikaal en niet-muzikaal) als gedrukte muziek omvat. OCLC heeft dit gesplitst in Sound records en Scores. Deze indeling is hier gevolgd. |
20 | Format of music | SS | SS | Steeds de waarde n (not applicable), systeemgegenereerd |
21 | Music parts | SS | SS | Steeds de waarde n (not applicable), systeemgegenereerd |
22 | Target audience | . | . | ||||||
23 | Form of item | R | R | ||||||
24-29 | Accompanying matter | . | . | ||||||
30-31 | Literary text for sound recordings | . | . | ||||||
32 | Undefined | ||||||||
33 | Transposition and arrangement | SS | SS | Steeds de waarde n (not applicable), systeemgegenereerd |
34 | Undefined | ||||||||
008 Scores | 18-19 | Form of composition | . | . | Voor de indeling van tag 008 kent MARC 21 het materiaaltype Music, dat zowel vastgelegd geluid (muzikaal en niet-muzikaal) als gedrukte muziek omvat. OCLC heeft dit gesplitst in Sound records en Scores. Deze indeling is hier gevolgd. |
20 | Format of music | . | . | ||||||
21 | Music parts | . | . | ||||||
22 | Target audience | . | . | ||||||
23 | Form of item | R | R | ||||||
24-29 | Accompanying matter | . | . | ||||||
30-31 | Literary text for sound recordings | SS | SS | Steeds de waarde n (not applicable), systeemgegenereerd |
32 | Undefined | ||||||||
33 | Transposition and arrangement | . | . | ||||||
34 | Undefined | ||||||||
008 Continuing resources | 18 | Frequenza | . | . | |||||
19 | Regularity | . | . | ||||||
20 | Undefined | ||||||||
21 | Type of continuing resource | M | M | ||||||
22 | Form of original item | ./R | ./R | Optional for non-microform items. Required if applicable for microform items. |
23 | Form of item | R | R | ||||||
24 | Nature of entire work | . | . | Waarde x toegevoegd. | |||||
25-27 | Nature of contents | . | . | ||||||
28 | Government publication | M | M | ||||||
29 | Conference publication | . | . | ||||||
30-32 | Undefined | ||||||||
33 | Original alphabet or script of title | . | . | ||||||
34 | Entry convention | M | M | ||||||
008 Visual materials | 18-20 | Running time for motion pictures and videorecordings | M | M | Mandatory motion pictures and videorecordings. Use nnn for other materials in VIS. | ||||
21 | Undefined | ||||||||
22 | Target audience | . | . | ||||||
23-27 | Undefined | ||||||||
28 | Government publication | M | M | ||||||
29 | Form of item | R | R | ||||||
30-32 | Undefined | ||||||||
33 | Type of visual material | M | M | ||||||
34 | Technique | . | . | ||||||
008 Mixed materials | 18-22 | Undefined | |||||||
23 | Form of item | R | R | ||||||
24-34 | Undefined |
1Gebaseerd op: OCLC, Input Standards, Full: SS = System-supplied; M = Mandatory; R = Required if applicable or readily available; O = Optional (weergegeven door een punt)
2Gebaseerd op: OCLC, Input Standards, Minimal: SS = System-supplied; M = Mandatory; R = Required if applicable or readily available; O = Optional (weergegeven door een punt)
3(NR) = Non Repeatable; (R) = Repeatable (bij de subvelden van de 0XX-velden-met-subvelden is alleen (R) aangegeven; waar (R) ontbreekt, geldt (NR))
5Een veld kan als geheel optioneel zijn, terwijl subvelden of posities verplicht kunnen zijn, indien men het veld gebruikt.