9. Identifying persons
Paragraaf binnen RDA | Paragraaf binnen RT/NS1, RT/S2, RT/CAT3, RT/NBM4, RT/GM5 en RT/KD6 | Toelichting |
9.2 Name of the Person |
9.2.2 Preferred Name for the Person |
CORE ELEMENT | | Choosing the Preferred Name |
| General Guidelines on Recording Names Containing a Surname |
In het onderscheid tussen achternaam, voornaam e.d. is in principe niets gewijzigd. Als het om Chinese en Japanse namen gaat wordt RT/CAT § V37 gevolgd; dit wijkt af van de praktijk in het GGC. Voorbeelden Bernhardt, Sarah Byatt, A. S. Ching, Francis K. W. Chiang, Kai-shek Name: Chiang Kai-shek. Surname: Chiang Molnár, Ferenc Name: Molnár Ferenc. Surname: Molnár Trịnh, Vân Thanh Name: Trịnh Vân Thanh. Surname: Trịnh Mantovani | Persons Known by a Surname Only |
Het ontbreken van voorletters of voornamen wordt niet door middel van drie punten zichtbaar gemaakt. Dit is een verandering ten opzichte van RT/CAT § V10, sub 5. Voorbeelden Deidier, abbé Read, Miss Seuss, Dr. Nichols, Grandma | Married Person Identified Only by a Partner’s Name |
| Saints |
| Compound Surnames |
| Established Usage |
Voorbeelden Brindle, Reginald Smith Family name is Smith Brindle but author prefers to be listed under Brindle Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe Listed in French reference sources under Fénelon Lloyd George, David Paternal surname: George Seabra da Silva, José de Listed in Portuguese reference sources under Seabra da Silva Stowe, Harriet Beecher Listed in American reference sources under Stowe Abril, Nelson Lopez Name appears on chief source of information as: Nelson Lopez Abril. Name appears in copyright statement as: Nelson L. Abril Szentpál, Mária Sz. Name appears as: Sz. Szentpál Mária. Husband’s surname: Szilági Campbell, Julia Morilla de Name sometimes appears as: Julia M. de Campbell | Articles and Prepositions |
| Surnames of Former Members of Royal Houses |
| General Guidelines on Recording Names Containing a Title of Nobility |
| Names Including a Patronymic |
| Names of Royal Persons |
| General Guidelines on Recording Names Consisting of Initials, or Separate Letters, or Numerals |
"Record the initials, letters, or numerals in direct order." Voorbeelden H. D. Q. E. D. A. de D. Th. D. S. A. Gr. Os. A! A! A! A. B. C. D. E. | General Guidelines on Recording Names Consisting of a Phrase |
9.2.3 Variant Name for the Person |
|| Alternative Linguistic Form of Name | "If the name recorded as the preferred name for a person has one or more alternative linguistic forms, record them as variant names." Dit geldt onder meer voor namen in een verschillend schrift. In RDA bestaat er één ‗preferred name‘. Equivalenten in een ander schrift vallen ook onder de varianten. |
9.3 Date Associated with the Person |
CORE ELEMENT | | Recording Dates Associated with Persons | Voorgeschreven Engelse tekst, indien van toepassing:
Voorgeschreven Nederlandse tekst, indien van toepassing:
9.3.2 Date of Birth |
9.3.3 Date of Death |
9.3.4 Period of Activity of the Person |
Period of activity of the person is a core element when needed to distinguish a person from another person with the same name. | ||
9.4 Title of the Person |
Title of the person is a core element when it is a word or phrase indicative of royalty, nobility, or ecclesiastical rank or office, or a term of address for a person of religious vocation. Any other term indicative of rank, honour, or office is a core element when needed to distinguish a person from another person with the same name. | || Titles of Royalty | || Consorts of Royal Persons | Voorgeschreven Engelse tekst, indien van toepassing: consort of. Voorgeschreven Nederlandse tekst, indien van toepassing: echtgenoot van of echtgenote van. |
| Children and Grandchildren of Royal Persons |
Voorgeschreven Engelse tekst, indien van toepassing: Prince of Princess. Voorgeschreven Nederlandse tekst, indien van toepassing: prins of prinses. |
9.5 Fuller Form of Name |
A fuller form of name is a core element when needed to distinguish a person from another person with the same name. De 'fuller form of name‘ is niet beperkt tot alleen voorletters of voornamen, maar kan ook de achternaam betreffen. |
9.6 Other Designation Associated with the Person |
Other designation associated with the person is a core element for a Christian saint or a spirit. For other persons, other designation associated with the person is a core element when needed to distinguish a person from another person with the same name. | || Saints | Voorgeschreven Engelse tekst: Saint. Voorgeschreven Nederlandse tekst: Sint. |
| Spirits | Voorgeschreven Engelse tekst: Spirit. Voorgeschreven Nederlandse tekst: Geest. |
9.7 Gender |
Komt niet voor in RT/CAT. | |
9.8 Place of Birth |
Komt niet voor in RT/CAT. | |
9.9 Place of Death |
Komt niet voor in RT/CAT. | |
9.10 Country Associated with the Person |
Komt niet voor in RT/CAT. | |
9.11 Place of Residence |
Komt niet voor in RT/CAT. | |
9.12 Address of the Person |
Komt niet voor in RT/CAT. | |
9.13 Affiliation |
Komt niet voor in RT/CAT. | |
9.14 Language of the Person |
Komt niet voor in RT/CAT. | |
9.15 Field of Activity of the Person |
Komt niet voor in RT/CAT. | |
9.16 Profession or Occupation |
Profession or occupation is a core element for a person whose name consists of a phrase or appellation not conveying the idea of a person. For other persons, profession or occupation is a core element when needed to distinguish a person from another person with the same name. | ||
9.17 Biographical Information |
Komt niet voor in RT/CAT. | |
9.18 Identifier for the Person |
1 RT/NS, verschenen in 1978 (4e bijdruk 1989).
2 RT/S, verschenen in 1978.
3 RT/CAT, 2e herziene druk, 1994.
4 RT/NBM, 3e druk, 1993.
5 RT/GM, verschenen in 1982.
6 RT/KD, verschenen in 1982.