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Still seeing Register button after registering a repository under the Harvesting tab

  • You have synced your repositories collections into WorldCat, but can't sync the new OCNs back into your repository.
Applies to
  • Digital Collection Gateway

Non-CONTENTdm repositories cannot sync OCNs from WorldCat back into their repositories, only CONTENTdm repositories have this feature.

If you are using a CONTENTdm repository and have set up your registration with the Digital Collection Gateway on the Harvest tab, but the sync is not going through, please contact OCLC Support with your symbol, server#, license key and let them know that you are trying to sync OCNs back into your CONTENTdm repository, but the button continues to appear as Register instead of Complete Sync.

Additional information

There is documentation on how to complete the sync into CONTENTdm.

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