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How do I fix duplicating or unremovable fields in the DCG MARC View?

  • Certain fields, such as 720, 787, or the 653 field are duplicating or cannot be unmapped from the MARC view
Applies to
  • WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway

DCG does follow the standard WorldCat Validation rules. These must first be followed. If these are followed and the fields continue to duplicate or map, this can be fixed by mapping a different dc.identifier that is not being used by the record.

For example, if the 720 field is continuously mapping a dc.contributor, first replace this mapping with another dc.identifier not being used in the record, such as dc.language, and save the mapping. This should remove the duplicating or unmappable dc.contributors and leave only a single 720 field with a dc.language being mapped. Once that is done, you can then unmap the dc.language identifier and remove the 720 field entirely.

Additional information

If the above does not fix this issue, please contact OCLC Support with screenshots of the duplicating or unmappable fields and your DCG username.

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