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OCLC Connexion crashes when exporting a record to our local system

  • Connexion client crashes after exporting records when using an OCLC Gateway export destination
  • Or, Connexion client gives a blank screen intermittently when exporting records using an OCLC Gateway export destination. You may be able to export one record but further attempts result in a blank screen.
Applies to
  • Connexion client 

Connexion client may crash when taking action on records such as exporting if the Permanent Connection option is enabled. To disable this option, please follow these steps: 

  1. Log into Connexion client. 
  2. Click Tools > Options > Export.
  3. Highlight your export destination and click Edit
  4. If Permanent Connection is selected, uncheck the box and click OK

If this option is not checked or if this does not fix the issue, please contact OCLC Support.  

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