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No records found for your search error when applying constant data

  • You get the error "No records found for your search, please change or simplify your search and try again." after applying your default constant data template in Connexion. 
Applies to
  • Connexion client 3.x

Connexion found no default Constant Data template for it to apply. You can get around it by setting one. Here are the steps:

1. Depending upon where you are keeping the Constant Data template you want to use, select either Cataloging > Search > Online Constant Data or Cataloging > Search > Local Constant Data.

2. Open the record you want to set as the default

3. Depending upon where your template exists, select either Edit > Constant Data > Online > Set as Default or Edit > Constant Data > Local > Set as Default.  

Additional information

There is more on how to set up a default Constant Data template in Connexion client.

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